Hello everyone. This is my second time running for a state legislative position… and let’s just say the first time didn’t go so well. The first time I had little to no experience and thought I could change ANYTHING in the position and I was wrong. I was suggested to try City Council to get experience and learn what it’s like to be in a legislative position.
As a City Councilman for Arborfield, I have a learned A LOT of what it takes to be a legislator and here’s what i’ve learned: it’s complex and hard. I know if i was a House Representative, it wouldn’t be easier. Though, I like hard and complex, which is apart of the job, so I KNOW I’m ready! I want to be the best representative for the State of Firestone and for YOU as a citizen of Firestone. I want the citizens of Firestone to have a voice, and if you choose me as representative your voice will be heard. Not only will I make your voice heard I will FIGHT for your opinions and welfare. Not all state legislators do that, so I will.
Choose me as your Representative for the State of Firestone!
My experiences within the state:
- DPW Supervisor(currently)
- POST Cadet (left due to COVID-19 effecting me and my family)
- Firestone Fire Academy (had to leave due to being in the hospital for a month)
- CEO/Founder of Capital Energy of Firestone (retired)
*CEO/Founder of Firestone Transit (currently)
*Arborfiled Councilman(currently)
My plans:
Like I said in my statement above, I will make sure your voice is heard so I plan to ask citizens by a form what we should change in the State of Firestone and/or what we should change as a State Legislative branch (nothing with dev support). I want to also remove useless bills, acts, and amendments if needed. Finally, I want to help support our Public Employees and Peace Officers anyway possible to make it easier and more convenient to work within the State of Firestone.
If you support my cause, please say “Support” in the comments. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me through this Discord tag: Jacobbron#4016.