My name is Jack Ferrick, growing up in a non muslim country was very difficult for me. Yes, I am a Muslim. I was usually bullied and couldn’t even practice my own Religion. However, it had taught me one thing, RESPECT. Respect to everyones Religion, Culture, Gender and Race. With me saying this, I hope I can be there to support every single one of you, by bringing up bills which can make everyone within FireStone is happy. This isn’t just a position for people to act big upon others, its a position to be there for the people of FireStone. Yes, my English isn’t the best, but please don’t judge me on that.
I’ve been around FedoraMasterb98 group for long that I can’t actually remember. I was in TRC, Norfolk and now FireStone. If Fedora was to leave FireStone and make a new Ro-Nation group, i’m leaving to.
This isn’t actually my first time running for a seat in congress. I’m a former House Of Representatives in the 2019 Congress. You can say i’m experiences within this field. I have a lot of ideas which I wanna propose to the Congress and I’ll try to the best of my ability to help each one of you.
I have noted some bills, which i’ll present in the session if I do get elected. If any civilians wants to bring up a bill which I can bring to the Session, just message me on Discord. I hope that if I do get elected, we can hopefully see big changes within Firestone.
Well, you have your saying. I’ll most definitely keep this in mind, i’ll try my best to as well get to the standards your looking for. I’m sorry if this speech had caused you any anger or frustration, i’m just trying to do a difference.
I do Support you. And I do recognize that you have a few grammatical mistakes in your sentences, no one’s the best we all make errors and or cannot do certain things properly however I do see which you’re seeking to make a difference. Don’t allow others to discourage you simply because of speech mistakes sure you can use a little help however not everyone’s great at making speeches.
One of the main issue we currently face through Firestone is the fact that civilian have trouble getting employed. That might’ve been to the mistake they’ve done in the past. We aren’t pitch perfect. But what I have trouble understanding is why do you have to have a spotless record whilst joining a goverment sector. To be exact, DOT, DPW and DOBW. Do they literally need a spotless record?
I hope I can propose a bill which helps civilians who have a record actually work in the government sector.
Those two things I just corrected you on are just about on the same level of BS as the things you corrected him on. However, we still understood what you meant. A few grammar mistakes due to not being the best at English isn’t a valid reason to not support someone. You most certainly understood what he meant, as you were able to correct him, meaning there’s no lack of clarity. He’ll do great in Senate, and thus I’m supporting him. Not because of his linguistic ability, time on the platform, nada: his views line up with mine. If they don’t line up with yours, it’s simple: keep it to yourself and vote for someone else. Should you be unable to do that, I wish you luck in life.