Jackfruitism for County Council


Greetings, my name is Jackfruitism, and I’m running for County Council for the second time.

You can find my Experience below. (resume attached)

Jackfruitism Resume | Trello

My service in the County has extended past several positions within the administration, including Press Secretary, (Deputy) Chief of Staff, and ultimately County Executive, I’ve also served on the County Council.

I have served in the County Sheriff’s Office, something that I very much enjoyed, and gained important knowledge, and experience from

While undoubtedly, it’s important to consider the opinions of your constituents, some of those people working in the agencies you are responsible for the oversight of, are your constituents as well.

And when running for office, that is a bid to serve everyone, not just those who elected you, and that does include taking the concerns of those who work in agencies in the County, or wherever else you may be serving seriously

I have functionally served in every municipality within the County, I was Mayor of Arborfield, I’ve served as every city’s Press Secretary. And I have served in every city council, giving me a nudge of experience and insight as to the function of municipalities and what I can do to help.

Additionally, I’ve held monumental roles, primarily, being County Executive two times previously, I am a 7 term Congressman currently serving as a State Senator, and I have held several other roles within the State Government, also giving me a plethora of knowledge into government.

I have faith in my own convictions, and I am positive that there are multiple qualified candidates running in this election, which in a way makes me happy knowing that there are people also interested in benefiting the County.

I plan on serving the people and continuing to develop Stapleton County as I have in previous capacities while serving Stapleton County.

Please reach out if you have questions.




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I support!

Support to help you get on the ballot. Best of luck.

Election concluded. Candidate did not submit campaign. Stapleton County Council Special Elections, March 2024