Impeachment of Senator CannonOblivion

Impeachment of Senator CannonOblivion

Preamble: To the misfortune of this great state, recent video clips have come to light displaying content which supports the notion that Senator CannonOblivion has violated multiple laws set forth by this state’s legislature. Therefore, pursuant to C.I.II and C.I.XII,

Be it hereby enacted by the 10th Congressional Assembly that:

Section 1 (Definitions):

(A) “CannonOblivion” shall be defined as “”

(B) “Senator,” “the position of Senator,” or other terms which can reasonably be associated with the aforementioned terms within Section 1.B shall be defined as “anyone with the rank of ‘Senator’ in the group linked here and/or recognized as a Senator by the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Firestone.

Section 2 (Severability):
Pursuant to C.I.XII, no portion of this shall be considered severable. If any portion of this impeachment dies, is nullified, or otherwise, is no longer legally recognized or valid, the entire piece of legislation shall die.

Section 3 (Impeachment Clause):
(A) CannonOblivion shall be impeached from the position of Senator for the following violations of law:

(B) Hit and Run

( C ) Vehicular Assault

Section 4 (Evidence):

Section 5 (Enactment/Enforcement):
This legislation shall take effect immediately upon conviction by the Senate. The Lieutenant Governor, President Pro Tempore, and Governor of the State of Firestone shall enforce this legislation as promptly as can be reasonably expected.

Chief Sponsors:
Attorney General and Representative Jefrafra
Chief of Staff and President Pro Tempore policetonyR

Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Mattxtro


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