SECTION 1: Benthehero05 shall be defined as Benthehero05 - Roblox
SECTION 1A: Inactivity shall be defined as defined in Article VI, Section II of the Constitution of the State of Firestone.
SECTION 2: Benthehero05 shall be impeached from his position as District Court Justice in the State of Firestone for the reason of Inactivity.
SECTION 2A: Evidence of inactivity by/from Benthehero05 can be seen in the following links:
In the case of State of Firestone v. YTtherandomgamer inactivity was displayed by Benthehero05. Firstly, it took an elapsed time of about two months to complete and ended in pretrial. This is clearly displayed in the evidence linked below:
SECTION 3: The Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the State of Firestone shall enforce this legislation.
SECTION 4: Upon passage of this legislation, it shall go into effect immediately.
Chief Sponsor(s):
Representative, UprisingAmerican
Representative, Firetreat21
Representative, bribri2173
Representative, Jonathon_McKay