Make Firestone Great Again! - Immortal_Chief for the People!
Today’s Change, Tomorrow’s Reward.
To whom this may concern,
I am Immortal_Chief and I intend to run for Representative. While I am fairly new to Firestone, I’ve been paying attention to Firestone since about 2019. I have experience in congress and the government itself.
I would like to run to make a change in our government; effective change. I aspire to be the voice of the people of Firestone. My main agenda would be improving the safety and well being of our communities, economy and business development, and improving transportation.
Let’s talk about how I’d improve our economy and businesses. Currently, I am drafting a possible act called, ‘The Firestone Growth Initiative Act.’ This act would provide small grants to newer businesses. These businesses would of course need to meet certain requirements before qualifying for said grant. I believe this would encourage members of the community to become more active and involved in game; making the game more active. This act would also implement zoning regulations to ensure orderly development and prevent conflicts between different types of businesses. In a sense, this creates opportunities for roleplay related to city planning, construction, and property management. Finally, this act would establish trade agreements and contracts with different businesses between the government. For example, CekEx Logistics could contract with the government importing/exporting goods, making deliveries, etc.; This act would leave room for various opportunities and roleplays. This is only the draft; thoughts of what could be if I were elected Representative.
I know that I am new to Firestone. However, I feel most of my experience in problem solving, community (planning and organization), RO-law enforcement, and writing legislation and contracts (RO-government) speaks towards the challenges and opportunities that face Firestone directly. I absorb new information fast, I’ll listen to your problems, and I’ll work hard for you. I am not seeking your vote because of my past accomplishments, but for what lies ahead. Give me a chance to learn from you, to work with you, and to build a stronger Firestone for all.
Immortal_Chief for House of Representatives!
Today’s Change, Tomorrow’s Reward.