Imagamerdud for Senate

What ideas do you have for bills/what have you currently planned?

Are the people you’re direct messaging Firestone citizens such as “SomeAngrySerb” and “hi…”?

What bills hav you proposed whilst you were in office?

Which is correct?

Such as?

From the 17th of September you have requested a Leave of Absence in the Department of Transportation and got off the Leave of Absence on the 1st of October, 8 days later, you submitted another Leave of Absence continuing until the 24th of October. In total, your Leave of Absence was lasting about 38 days with both combined. How is your activity able to be ensured as a Senator? The Senate is already inactive in it’s current state and needs active Senators able to attend sessions

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no support, candidate didn’t care to answer any of my questions sent with the exception of the one sent yesterday, will reconsider when candidate answers

In the absences I’ve submitted inside DOT, this was during a time in which I had legal issues regarding parents and other sensitive topics. After the couple of months in the constant leave of absences I’ve recently started getting active, due to the case in the court getting resolved. I plan on attending all senator events and sessions, with the exception I have sports or school at the times.

For your first question, both of them are Firestone citizens, those being the usernames “123_andj” and “TheOriginalsheriftom”

2nd question, I proposed gun law revisements regarding the use of open carry with Leo units excluding the police, marshals, SS, and protection. I also enacted a bill to disallow lethal force being used with a evading subject. Rest of the time was spent with other senate sessions. I was only in office for one term before leaving.

For the 3rd one, I served public works from January 24 to may 24th. I am now currently employed in public works.

For the 4th question, once I am placed in office I will be asking opinions from citizens and business’s to get their ideas and opinions on government flaws and issues. Then take these to account, and propose bills with things that need changing, or creating.

no support

good mindset but minimal experience

i recommend starting with county/house of reps and not something as extreme as senate



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county or municipal…


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I exist too. Election over