I'm not gonna bother, and you shouldn't either

So- I took the time to read this whole thing, because I enjoy jeff’s posts.

Holy shit. Your right. You just opened my eyes… what the FUCK are we all doing on this god forsaken platform. We have lives. And we shouldn’t be dedicating them to stressing over lego cop good lego man with gun bad.

fuck this shit. everyone can take a lesson or two from jeff here. If you didn’t read it all because ItS ToO LoNg… go read it.


good people like you are the reason there’s still hope out there.
when a person stands up for what they believe in, they either succeed, or die trying.
nobody is perfect and nobody can be absolved of any wrongs they commit, but we try to build ourselves to be better people, to ourselves, to each other, and to the future.

when you place yourself and your morality and your character behind something that carries true weight, it makes its power and significance that much more important.
good man, like so many others.
the world is always watching.



we have always been at war with eastasia.


which is why we turn to things that try to make us happy, though nobody tells us what to do when the things that make us happy inevitably get destroyed, and the things that made us happy can never be reclaimed.
i sing, i draw, i act, i write, but i only do so outside. inside, i’m left with my thoughts, and the struggles of having to hold them back, and there have been moments in time where i have left raw, barely holding onto myself, and only just being able to.

success can be marked by how one displays themselves outwardly.
character can only be marked by how one is content with themselves inwardly.
we have to find that balance, and i hope that i stay alive long enough to do so.


we didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.
it doesn’t take being friends to be able to make an impact in somebody else’s life, and no matter how small or large it is, if you’ve had a good time while doing it, then it’s good enough to be a friend.
i’m not correcting that post, go over it and revise it again lol.


i’m going to chuck a pebble at the atlantic ocean, it’s going to travel all the way across the pond, and it’s going to hop its way down the street to your house so that it can chuck itself at your head.
but then the resulting injury is going to be treated by the nhs for free.
this is a game. this is always going to be a game. most of life is just a game, but this is in itself a game. people are fighting over text and behavior and actions on a game. they place false importance and value in these things when they fail to realize that it is not the text on a screen that is important, it is their failure to utilize their time in other ways and aspects that are more productive of their time and more conducive to eliminating the vast beliefs of many that our next generation is, in fact, doomed. which, let’s be honest, is probably still a likelihood.

i voted in our previous election as a proud citizen of these united states of america. i have had, and still have and maintain, opinions that differ with those that we are supposedly united with. but, if we can agree to disagree on some things, and agree that some things overall are fundamentally far more important than others, then we stand a reasonable shot at avoiding a totally encompassing dystopia stemming from the failures of our generation and those of previous and following generations within the next few years.

nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.
i like to think that i’ve passed that test with flying colors.


ah, yes, the dpw incident. one of the better memories of this forsaken place.
butsworth’s unit for tactical security without overly rethinking treacherous henchmen.
we did ss’s job better than they did it, and succeeded at it more than they did, too.

oh, sorry, right, you’re secret service, excuse me, one second, just gimme a moment here.



thou who doth not like my post shall thusly snuff it.
holy hand grenade OUT.

i’m glad that my message, no matter how lengthy and convoluted, is actually getting across to people.
this is something that everybody’s known, but it’s never been said, and it’s only been addressed at face level while it continues to go on behind everybody’s backs. this isn’t something that requires cowering in fear and hiding behind something in order to maintain a facade. this is something that requires grit and strength and guts and balls in order to get shit done.
i learned that lesson as i grew. everybody eventually has to learn that lesson someday soon. otherwise, they’ll never learn it at all, and they’ll never learn anything at all.
this shouldn’t be the center of everybody’s lives. this shouldn’t be the center of anybody’s life. it is for some, and those people will never learn. and i’m pretty sure that everybody here knows who those people are.

you might look at books and say, 'fuck ‘em, they’re boring as hell’. but, in truth, it’s better to read. it’s better to read and watch and listen than it is to focus on something that saps your life essence and drains your energy away for nothing more than something that matters to nobody else but you, and others like you. everybody who gets drawn into these things is never able to get themselves out, and it only takes an experience like this, going through trauma that’s completely unnecessary yet necessary enough to learn exactly this lesson, to go through exactly an experience such as this, to make you realize that.
reading lets you draw yourself out of your world and draw yourself into that of the story. it gives you insight, it gives you inspiration, it lets you adhere to morals and ethics and a code that you may never have previously knew or existed, but find yourself believing in.
any form of media that tells a story, reading, writing, art, film, acting, music, and all those in between, can’t be forced upon you. it has to be embraced, or the force exerted upon you will never continue- it’ll only stop and bounce back.
the story is never embraced. it’s where we’ve dropped the ball academically. instead, in education, educators drone on and on about the significance of this object and the symbolism of that. in some cases, the curtains are just fucking blue. you have to dive into it, read it, learn it, in order to appreciate and understand it. that’s why you learn. that’s how you learn. and so, what you have to do is read.
read and experience life and understand before it happens to you. because then, you’ll know what to do. you’ll know what to stand on. you’ll know how to act. you’ll know how to be somebody you’ve never thought you could have been.
appreciate the story.
and only then, will you know how to be ready.


I’m sorry, is that assault?


smh feds ego is NOTHING compared to mine. i love butsworth. i know the best butsworth. why didnt you mention SCFD security detail


coney island is valid


you silly bing bong.


Wow. I thought I wrote a lot. This is something I think every can take something out of. People need to stop being so GOD damn dramatic, because, at the end of the day, IT’S JUST A GAME. It’s for fun, and taking it to seriously is one stupid thing to do.




yup agreed


not if the pebble does it of its own volition.
you can’t charge the laws of physics with assault.


days long gone by, though good memories remain.
and i will remember them fondly.
rootin tootin criminal shootin.
fun times.


never underestimate the capabilities of an



big brother is always watching.


Thank you for quoting me.