IdentityLaw for Senate

IdentityLaw for Senator
[l] Former Positions and experience
[ll] Legislation Concepts
[V] Conclusion

Former Experiences/About myself

First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to look through my campaign speech and understanding my ideas if I reach Office.

Since I stepped foot into this State, many opportunities have been presented to me. I have been in Firestone for awhile now and have occupied many jobs which include:

Firestone State Patrol, Former Captain
Firestone State Patrol, Corporal
Firestone State Patrol, Retired Sergeant
Firestone State Patrol Aviation Unit, Former Director, Former Lieutenant
Firestone Department of Public Safety, Chief Investigator
Peace Officers and Standards Academy, Head Instructor
Stapleton County, Former Arborfield Mayor

With my exposure to Firestone and these experiences, I believe that I can create legislation that would benefit the well-being of the Citizens and Workers within the State of Firestone.

Legislation Concepts

As a conservative I strive to bring change to the State and work towards the well-being of the States workers and Civilians. Here are few of the many ideas I have for legislation,

  • Re-establish the Republican Party of Firestone (Currently it is disbanded)

  • Further develop road laws to increase realism

  • Protect sixth amendment rights while also keeping a stable Gun Control system

As I stated above, these are only some of the ideas I have to improve this state. And with my experience of being in the field while also being a active Citizen.


The Citizens of this State deserve a competent Senator willing to vote with the voice of the Citizens, not against it. Reply with a “Support” if you agree with my ideas and wish to support me this election.



Support. I do wonder what you do mean by keeping stable gun control. I have many people say Firestone Gun Control is not good but it’s just because we have a low justice branch count.

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Thank you for the support, and what I mean is that either putting stricter gun laws into place. Or preventing it from getting easier to obtain a firearms license. For example, the test we take after a CFCT Training is extremely easy to take if you didn’t pay attention to the training.

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Agree. It is VERY easy to obtain a licence in the State of Firestone.

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As you stated, you attend a training and take a test.

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For me, I answered “Why do I want to get a licence?” and then just got a licence instantly.

Not very safe.

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Support, everyone deserves a chance.

County Councilman

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You seem like a good canidate. I wish you luck in running.




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You did the LEO test not the standard test.

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I’m Speaker of the House Virginian_State, and I approve this message.

  • Support
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You have my full support.



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Withdrawn my support.

Best of luck.

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First Bump

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Bump 2

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Support & Endorsed

POST Director (aka identity’s employer)


Thanks man.

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I support

Former Deputy of Stapleton’s County Sheriff’s Office
