How to Join POST 101

Join Requirements

There is no special process for joining like an application. However, you should meet all of the requirements before sending a join request:

  • Be a Citizen of the State of Firestone
  • Have NO criminal background history
  • Have an account age of at least 120 days
  • Have no POST Blacklist, or PSB Blacklist
  • Be willing to take on challenging tiers with challenging Instructors.
  • Be willing to pledge activity into the Academy.
  • Be willing to pay attention, and respect all rules and regulations.

At any time if it is found you do not meet and of these requirements while in the Academy, you will be subject for removal. Your join request will be declined if you you do not meet these requirements, and you may be subject for blacklist if a criminal record is found.

Response Time:

It may take several days for your request to be accepted, as the join requests fill up very quickly, and back up easily. Please be patient, and respect the POST Staff even though it may be frusterating. It WILL be accepted eventually.