How the judicial system is broken

After reviewing some stuff I agree there’s a little bit of fixing to do, and I agree with @FIoatmanjason

uh oh spaghettios

It was kinda neccesary and it wasn’t really overreacting. If you scroll down more you can see that there are other issued that were argued about that had to be addressed. Also saying “The action of one justice”, Sir it may be one action of justice that might have happened recently but when there are other issues like the 72 hours jail that was discussed earlier and danny states “other judges approved of the punishment” then it’s actually a huge justice problem. You have to realize your line of work is to serve justice and if justice isn’t rightfully served as it should be then the whole justice system is broken

And again to repeat, this forum was made to actually make firestone citizens to wake up and see how the system works now. I’ve already done my part of appealing and other classified stuff for now. Although this forum is solely made to make Firestone citizens to realize how the justice system is literally a huge problem currently.

You’re saying it’s broken, but how do you reckon we fix it?

Apparently make the punishment for murder ten minuets

When I said Death Penalty, I meant like on a separate place… You would be put to public execution.

This could be via the following ways:

  • Firing Squad
  • Electric Chair
  • Lethal Injection
  • Hanging
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In other words,
“How to get your game content-deleted in just five easy steps!”


You should read a solution I put. Aka envelopes post, as also having people with functioning brain cells to understand the limitations of implementing reality and how punishments should be handled

I suggest that you take this to the court of appeals. As for the 72 hours its there as an emergency thing so that if we had an absolute need it could be used. Thank you for taking the time to write out your grievances with Judiciary.

It is always good to see citizens taking an active role in government by holding the entire government accountable or inciting change as they deem necessary.

If you have any further comments, questions, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me on discord, trello, or ROBLOX.

I think it’s time I explain our POV involving sentencing procedure. I agree it needs to be laxer, and myself and my fellow judges have been working on that after this debate. But it’s important to know why we sentence in a certain way. Firstly, the time it takes to type in an arrest report in-game is significantly less than it takes to have a trial. You do some stupid stuff in-game, get arrested, two minutes and you have your jail time, boom. It takes, on average, about and hour and a half to do the court case itself, not counting the possible weeks it takes to set up. If I’m wasting hours of my time, they’re gonna waste hours of their time as well. Secondly, the court process is just a pain in the ass in general. So if something has to go to trial, it makes sense to be harsher than say a police officer. Thirdly, there are certain laws that require a minimum of hours.

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yeah that

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If I’m wasting hours of my time, they’re gonna waste hours of their time as well.

If you think doing your job is a waste of time then im pretty sure you can just retire. There is difference between wasting someone’s time and actually making them leave a state and literally dislike it

It’s not that, perhaps I used the wrong phrasing. If I’m spending hours of time dealing with them, how is it unfair for their punishment to be hours (relative to their crime).

Now granted there can be an overtiming issue or an under timing as what Danny stated on the fact that it takes time and this process doesn’t give you a two minute slap on the wrist. It should be some time but not an overly amount of time. If you want to restrict it, I’d suggest limiting it to like 15-20 minutes (if its a felony) per count.

Relative to their crime.

So lets say that guy that got 72 hours for 1 murder.

How long should of he actually had.

Dude that’s moronic. Why even have Courts then? Let the cops just give 20 minutes

Are you stating that for any court case, because it is a long tedious process, the punishment should be somewhat harsh?

Maybe make the “long tedious process” into a “short and sweet process”?

Or maybe don’t accept small stupid cases for like a murder of x1 police officer?

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Thats to much, if you did that should be appealed and overturned. 72 hours for one murder is to much.

You keep focusing on an “issue” that happened a year ago when I started as a DCJ, and hasn’t happened since, but keep trying.