Hmmm_Poul & DixieMeatball for Prominence | Let's get back on track!


Hello, I am Hmmm_Poul, and I am seeking election as the next Mayor of the great District of Prominence.

I have served two terms in the House of Representatives, one term in the Redwood City Council, and one term as Chairperson of the Council for Arborfield. During my time in the House, I helped pass legislation through, which I won’t bore you by listing many, and also to strike down legislation such as Security Malpractice Criminalization Act, Passenger Identification Act of 2022, and A Joint Resolution to Amend the Constitution Relating to Impeachment; to list a few. You can find these on the forums and through the Congress server.

I also proposed the Insurance Fraud Act of 2022, which was shot down, honestly for some good reasoning.

I currently work in a few businesses, such as:

  • Spectra Pipeline Management; Pipeline Technician
  • Bear’s First Transit; Deputy Director
  • Cailan Seafood Franchise; President

I am also a currently employed as a non-POST certified Correctional Officer with the Firestone Department of Corrections.

While I may have not made outstanding and known changes to Firestone, this does not mean I cannot make great changes and that I do not have the knowledge to do so.


Hello everyone! I’m am DixieMeatball and I am running to be your next Deputy Mayor of Prominence!

I may not have much political experience, but I know how to work legislation processes from other experiences in and out of the community.
Some of my experiences in Firestone in general are:

  • Stapleton County Clerk
  • DOBW; Water Craft technician
  • And I have been in POST.

Over my time and Firestone with the community I’ve seen inactivity, shady deals, corruption, inactivity and immaturity and lack of care with governments. Me and my running mate Poul are going to change that.

I’m afraid if we lose you, the district might fall for the worse! Corruption, inactivity, and lack of care may plague the district. Me and my running mate are active, mature, and love and care about this great community and the district. We want everybody to succeed and have fun in this wonderful game. This is truly a beautiful district and game and we want to keep it that way. Give us a chance and vote. If you wanna see prominence rise to glory and be active again, vote for us!!


As your district Mayoral representatives we will do our darn best to accomplish the following:

  1. See that the Citizens of Prominence get an opinion on things that could majorly affect them, or are pointed directly at them.

  2. Always be willing to help, our direct messages are open to any and all people, and we will not be like others who just send you away, we will actually help you/speak with you rather than ignore you.

  3. We will not lie to Citizens about truths, like others might have. We will make sure there is complete transparency, and yes others have always promised this, but the only way to see if we truly mean it, is by electing us!! However, I will not disclose anything that is not to be shared with the public.

  4. We will do our absolute best, to make sure that there is fairness between Officials and Citizens. We will also will do our absolute best to keep abuse out of our government.

  5. Furthermore, we would recognize and support all of our first responders and citizens who make this community great!

  6. As your Mayor I (Hmmm_Poul) will not sign into law or support laws and/or bills that will conflict with our Citizens interests.

  7. We will host bi-weekly business fairs, and try our best to do weekly meet and greets for the community to come and tell us all about their concerns for the district!

  8. We will take all reports against our district agencies and our district government serious, and actually investigate the concerns citizens have!

  9. We will work side by side with PDP to make sure corruption stays out of our law enforcement, and that they are doing their darn best to keep you all safe!



I Support and Endorse! I :heart: Poul good luck bud!



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support, good luck!


do either of you have experience within prominence?

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I do not as I never ran. I only every interacted with the different mayors and talked to them. However that does not disqualify me nor make me unable




support by SwedishVic!

Support by Soiandiis

Support from CanadlanLaw

i support!

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Support from StaDepotAlt


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Support from luvstrckk

Support from Officer_Carson101


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Support from VG278Q


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