Hillview Expansion

Hillview is small and boring so to bring more life into the area I say-

  1. More DOCM property screw Redwood and it’s Expansions

  2. Bigger camp site to make it useful for like chase reps

  3. Illegal dealer in like a breaking bad colored RV

  4. Helps to bring life to the Redwood-Prom map portion

  5. Could add some more State Power and Water utility buildings near by to make DOT and other construction and maintenance workers go there

  6. Add a DOPW spawn (smaller spawn) so they don’t need to do a long drive

  7. SCSO small outpost station (idk the name) to help them when in Prom


wouldn’t be a bad site for an auxiliary scso station when you think about it


Easier to react to Hillview and their group

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Would be a cool addition to the game

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Glory to Hillview!


Honestly, Hillview would be such a neat municipality for Firestone. It would allow more citizens to get jobs like Mayor, Council, etc. Hillview & Greendale are kind of the “forgotten” locations in V2, however if we started adding more outposts like how SCFD has their small station, I think county could become so much more fun to play.


Add some like low income housing or something like arbor but worse so there can be some different RP.

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Not gonna lie, this is truly a great idea. Give Firestone even more life!