Hecxtro and Stamose - "Continuing Progress"

Hecxtro & Stamose for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Firestone

Candidate Overview

Gubernatorial Candidate Hecxtro

Hello friends. I am Hecxtro, for those of you who do not already know me, and I am running again for the position of Governor. I’ve dedicated the past four years to public service in Firestone and I hope to continue serving this state as Governor. Listed below are some of my most important accomplishments in Firestone;

  • Lieutenant Governor x3
  • President pro tempore of the Senate x2
  • District Court Justice
  • Secretary of the Department of Public Safety
  • Commanding Officer of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, Head of Admissions, Firestone National Guard
  • Special Agent, Firestone Bureau of Investigations Police Department

If you’re interested in specifics about my past, you can find my National Guard service record here, my legislative achievements here, and my caseload as a Judge here.

If you have any questions that you’d like to ask me specifically or ask about my past, feel free to reach out to me on this form or through DMs at e g g#0614. It truly would be my greatest honor to serve as your next Governor. I look forward to continuing to serve the people of this state, regardless of if it is as Governor or not.

Lieutenant Gubernatorial Candidate Stamose

Hello! My name is Lieutenant Governor Stamose. I’m running for my third term, though this time, it is with Hecxtro. I first joined the state in 2015, and have been in public service for almost two years now. I look forward to continue to serve the state as Lieutenant Governor. Below are my greatest accomplishments in the state:

  • Lieutenant Governor x2 (May 2021-PRESENT)
  • Assistant State Attorney, Department of Justice (March 2021-PRESENT)
  • Board Certified Attorney (March 2021-PRESENT)
  • Senator x5 (December 2019-May2021)
  • County Affairs Committee Chairman (August 2020-Present)
  • President pro tempore of the Senate x2 (Josh and Nin administrations)
  • County Councilman x2
  • Department of Health Department Head (Public Relations)
  • Department of Commerce Deputy Director of Public Relations
  • County Representation Board Advisor

With a plethora of experience, I am more than qualified to hold this position, and can’t wait to continue to serve the people. I hope that I am afforded the opportunity to continue serving you in the best way I know how.

Agenda and Plans for Progress

Executive Branch

As Firestone continues to age, issues in the largest branch, the executive, continue to develop. Over the past two terms, Governor FIoatmanjason has worked relentlessly to combat these issues and develop new and exciting solutions. If elected, we both plan to continue the progress made by Governor FIoat. Ensuring that lines of communication remain open between the executive leadership and the cabinet will be of the utmost importance. By maintaining open lines of communication, it is our hope that we can continue to facilitate growth and progress within the executive. We are excited for what the future of Firestone will bring, and our administration’s primary focus will be ensuring that the executive branch can adapt to the changes that v3 will bring.

Legislative Branch

We both have spent a great deal of our time in Firestone in the state’s legislative branch. Meaning that we both have the experience and knowhow to maintain an effective Congress. The transition from the NinWin1 and Hecxtro Congress to the FIoat and Stamose Congress was seamless because all parties involved had worked so closely together in the past. Under our administration, we intend to repeat this exact same process. The key to addressing a problem is to understand the problem’s root cause. Our experience in the branch allows us a unique insight into exactly what has, is, and will go wrong. It is this experience that will guide our legislature through the progression of the state. It is this experience that no other candidate can come even close to rivaling, period.

Judicial Branch

Another experience we both share is our experience in the justice system of the state. We are both Bar Certified Attorneys and both have an extensive track record of working around the effective interpretation and arguing of the law. To date, 236 expungements have been processed by the judiciary in less than two months. As a Judge, Hecxtro has completely eradicated the backlog of cases plaguing the judiciary and ensured that the state’s most powerful branch has been able to function effectively. As Governor, Hecxtro would be vested the power to ensure that such a backlog never develops again, despite not being a judge. The revision of the General Rules of Procedure will greatly contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the judiciary and it is our hope that we can have a draft ready for release by Christmas.

The County Government

As was true during the FIoatmanjason and NinWin1 administrations, we hope to continue working with the county government to the greatest extent possible. Ensuring that the state-government does not encroach on the powers vested in the county-government will be a top priority. We strongly believe that elected county officials, especially the County Executive, should be given a say in how the state-government uses its oversight powers. As Governor and Lt. Governor, we intend to keep this belief at the forefront of our minds when we interact with the county.

The Private Sector

Throughout the FIoatmanjason and NinWin1 administrations, a great deal of thought has been put into the private sector. Under a Hecxtro and Stamose administration, we intend to continue the progress made over the past four terms and continue to spark the growth of private industry. The Department of Commerce has made great strides towards ensuring that all businesses have the freedom they need to work effectively, which has fostered great growth. We hope to continue this progress and continue supporting non-government employment opportunities for citizens who seek a different take on Firestone.

Public Relations

Maintaining an honest and transparent government will be another key focus of our administration. As was the case when Hecxtro was Secretary of Public Safety, we intend to maintain a Discord channel in the Executive Branch Discord where all major changes are publicized and our rationale behind enacting major changes is discussed. We intend to frequently engage with the public through the Executive Branch Discord using both public releases and public opinion polls to gauge how our progress is perceived.

Overall, our main focus will be making sure that the state responds in a positive way to the full release of Stapleton County v3. As Governor and Lieutenant Governor, we both feel an obligation to make the community a safe and fun place for everyone. We both truly hope we have earned your vote to steer the state in a positive direction as it undergoes great change.


We both truly have the best interests of the state at heart, our service goes to demonstrate this. Our desire is not for power, it is to make sure the state is the very best it can be for both our term and many terms to come. Choose the candidates who have shown they can enact change, not the ones who only promise to.


/s/ Hecxtro

e g g#0614

/s/ Stamose



very cool but do you support the demolition of spg?



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See, I would support. Both are great and have the skills to be govs but… only thing is activity… both arent the most active people.




236 expungements in a month and a half lol?


I understand that you may not think that I am as active as I most previously was.

During my second term, towards the second half as Lieutenant Governor, my activity on the platform and directly interacting with the public decreased due to my midterm preparations and other school-related tournaments. If I am to be re-elected, 2022 looks a lot more open then the end of this year. As you know, when it comes towards the end of the year, people become a lot more busy, including myself.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at Stamose#7046

Sent from my iPhone


Supporting myself :))


I pinky promise.


what about your lt gov

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Hello etry_playtime, did not expect to see you here on this fine day.

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Commanding Officer of the 1st Military Police Battalion, Firestone Army National Guard
Agent of the Crisis Response Team, Department of Homeland Security




My absolute support and endorsement.




If I support, do I have to be in a VC with Hecxtro at any point?

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