I request the founders @FedoraMasterB98 and @pathwaysbball or @HardwareSecurity to look into this. So far, there hasn’t been a formal complaint regarding this, so this will be the first.
Over the last few months, guns on the law enforcement side and also the criminal side, having been lagging at a level that hasn’t been seen before. This isn’t because of a DDOS attack, or severe server age, but very likely due to the amount of things added into V2 in such a small period of time which may have caused the lag.
I ask for this to be looked into because this is providing an unenjoyable feeling for both law enforcement and criminals in situations like shootings, roleplays, etc. It hasn’t been realised how much guns in V2 play, and them lagging does not provide the same enjoyment and expierence. It hasn’t been just me, but several other criminals have also noticed this, and how the guns they bought have lagged so much. Several criminals aren’t motivated in buying guns that lag to hell, since it isn’t worth spending thousands on something that doesn’t peform as it should. This would cause issues to situations of roleplay, and so on.
Note: I understand and know that guns DO lag when theres a lot of people shooting at one time, or it has a lag spike every now and then, the problem is it’s like it has became so much more frequent and is now a daily thing, every shooting, small or large would lag and would ruin the expierence for both sides, regardless if they win or loose.
To other readers, you may not read this and call this a skill issue, however, I want this to be known that this isn’t me crying over loosing a shootout. This has generally been a major problem for months, and I believe it requires the formal attention of higher authoirty members to look into this to find a solution.
Shootings BEFORE the lag:
- DOC ambush - Clipped with Medal.tv
- oof
- ambush again
- noob
- oh - Clipped with Medal.tv
- ): - Clipped with Medal.tv
Shootings AFTER/NOW:
- lol noob rw pd and scso - Clipped with Medal.tv
- laggy gun fight - Clipped with Medal.tv
- gun lag testing (GONE WRONG) - Clipped with Medal.tv
Something has clearly happened between those recordings, and all I ask, though I know it is quite tricky, to find the solution in why this drastic increase of lag came from.