Government Property Act of 2022


October 26, 2022

Government Property Act of 2022

         Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


    (a) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b1 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this screenshot and refusing to leave when asked to leave without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Firestone Department of Homeland Security and/or one of the Governor’s.”

    (b) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b1 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this screenshot and refusing to leave when asked to leave without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol and/or one of the Governor’s.”

    (c) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b2 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this screenshot without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security and/or one of the founders.”

    (d) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b2 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this screenshot without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol and/or one of the founders.”

    (e) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b9 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this and refusing to leave when asked to leave without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Firestone Department of Homeland Security.”

    (f) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b9 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this and refusing to leave when asked to leave without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the **Prominence District Police **.”

    (g) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b10 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this screenshot without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security.”

    (h) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b10 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas marked in this screenshot without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol.”

    (i) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b17 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas or on the elevated platform marked in blue in this and this screenshot without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security.”

    (j) Chapter 3, Section 9, subsection b17 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Lingering/waiting in the blue areas or on the elevated platform marked in blue in this and this screenshot without proper clearance to do so from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol.”


    (a) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b1 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security.”

    (b) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b1 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol and/or one of the Governor’s.”

    (c) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b4 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security.”

    (d) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b4 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol and/or one of the founders.”

    (e) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b6 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security.”

    (f) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b6 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol.”

    (g) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b6a of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Entering into the areas marked in blue in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security when the capitol is under lockdown, or an event is currently taking place.”

    (h) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b6a of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in blue in this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol when the capitol is under lockdown, or an event is currently taking place.”

    (i) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b18 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this and this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Department of Homeland Security.”

    (j) Chapter 3, Section 8, subsection b18 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in red in this and this screenshot without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the Firestone State Patrol.”


    (a) Upon the completion of the constitutionally required processes, this Act shall not enter into effect before December 1st, 2022.


    (a) Should any part of this act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Chief Sponsors:

L_3ee, Speaker Pro Tempore
killingkoas, Senator


Mega_Goalie16, ESU Captain
IceyTrigger, FSP Major
SirCalebXVI, Preisdent Pro Tempore
ADMIRAL_RICKY, Speaker of the House


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