Gonzalez for Senate

Wiggles supports. https://gyazo.com/74cd8063644c62330a2999208f5c0b8b

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ikeabunny1, supports. https://gyazo.com/cab987ed98d8a9a33043318b6078ec42

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One thing I want to add to this is, I know what a citizens life is like. Unlike some congress men and woman, I know the struggles of Firestone life. I know how it is to be bored and forced to entertain yourself with crime or trolling. I want to bring a new perspective to the Senate. I want to help all citizens. Some congress men and woman have had high ranking position in Firestone and Iā€™m just a simple citizen, wanting to help you. Vote USA2019gonzalez for Senate. Have a good one.

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so, you have no experience in a judicial branch or government in general and you want to start as a state official?

i recommend starting out as a municipal official, its easier.

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Voting has opened, go vote for a senator.

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