Getting cited for illegally parking when someone rams your car

Lately cops are citing cars that are illegally parked because someone rammed it. So if you leave your car parked in a parking spot and you go walk around or go somewhere else. Someone will probably ram your car so it is illegally parked and you will get cited for that. I think there should be a solution for that because that can ruin peoples records and it’s not like the person will know if their car was rammed or not. It just ruins records and there should be some sort of solution to this.


solution is dont spawn your car and dont park it in redwood


Cops need to do a lot more investigating then just what meets the eye.

I also have heard the argument that when cars are parked they should be anchored, but I also see that as a glitching/FRP issue.

But yea, cops need to actually investigate because cars are constantly rammed out of legal parking position.


LEOs as a whole should just stop citing people for illegal parking if it seems that the ENTIRE parking lot was hit, or it may be of a civilian w/ a clean record

they should be citing if they saw them purposefully park like that.


No vehicles are anchored if it’s in park because if it was anchored, then us DOT couldn’t tow it.


I know they aren’t currently but some people want it for V3 which would make the car anti-ram but also immune to all laws of physics as well.




this I can agree with, but it can be hard to tell if people have actually illegally parked or have been rammed. a lot of criminals tend to park their car illegally (eg. across parking spaces, on the sidewalk, etc), and often it can look like it’s been rammed. there has to be something that can help differentiate whether a car has been rammed or illegally parked to stop false citations


Suggestion… You know that car dealership is one of the most populated areas on the map. A good place to park your vehicle is across the street around RW apts or near feriges. You also have mini-kart and if you have patience to drive it over there and walk back.


Ppl are welcome to use mini kart as the owner. But, not just rw. once i was on a ride along with FSP and left my car at FSP. Next thing I know I have a citation WHILE ON a ridealong… so we still need a solution.


just toss the car into the lake, not very hard


whos gonna walk back from the lake-


The Traffic Revision Act actually does provide somewhat of a solution in this case. Chapter 4, § 1.9 of it states:

Persons shall be exempt from Illegal Parking and Illegal Stopping citations if they were physically unable to move the vehicle or it was unwillfully moved or placed into the position. Law enforcement officers who issue citations irrespective of this subsection shall, however, not be guilty of False Citation unless they had previous knowledge of the fact. The person in question may, however, expunge the record with ease.

To be honest, I think this is the best you can do, because it’s usually hard to tell if a car was rammed or not. You can just easily expunge it if your car was rammed and you were cited (of course you would need some sort of proof, I recommend screenshotting how your car parked with the date in the screenshot before you leave it somewhere for a while).


uses epic hacks to speedwalk

this is a joke i do not support exploits in sc

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you BETTER be jokin :triumph:


isnt there a way to code roblox so that if you click something or hit a button you can anchor that object?

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yes, and its used to keep cars anchored to DOT beds actually, but if thats implemeted DOT wouldnt be able to tow cars. so thats a no no. not to mention it would break just about every law of physics.


the DOT problem could be solved by the hook acting as an unanchor button


the reason is anchoring is fairly buggy when you’re dealing with a whole car. county also probably uses the old vehicle technology which doesn’t make it better. lidels has a fairly recent forum post explaining precisely why they can’t make cars anchored.

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dont believe theres a way to do that since its 2 different vehicles

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