FS guns

OK so I have been bother about this for a while but I would like to express it here, as you may know you need a license to carry a weapon in FS. I find this 100% unnecessary. Liberals are taking away our rights to bare arms from us law abiding citizens! Why punish the non-criminal players because of others actions? Why don’t you implement a no record policy so people who don’t have records can purchase and conceal carry guns and so people who do have records can’t?

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Oh dear god no. And don’t bring in this liberal v conservative crap.


I just want some guns, honestly I shouldn’t have to take a class that isn’t often to carry and conceal a gun. You aim you point and you shoot. You don’t shoot people for no reason you don’t draw for no reason. Man so hard… Honestly licenses are too hard to get and should be open to the public for those who do not have records. It is common sense.

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Do you even know what this game’s community is?

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A bunch of young kids with trigger fingers but those who don’t have records…

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They may not have one at first. They’ll use this to get one. Basically this gives people who don’t at the time have a record cheaper guns to go mass murdering. I do agree that the process is slow though. Civilians do really need some non-firearm defensive weapons.


I just want something to protect myself and yes guns are necessary for players, to fight against players with illegal guns

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Then take a class, this is a HORRIBLE idea. Did I mention its HORRIBLE?

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Freedom to bear arms apply in FS? Yes or no?

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autistic discussion i’ve read. someone take this down

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I agree.

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Then there is no point for illegal guns?

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You must have skipped the part where it says “IF YOU HAVE A RECORD YOU WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO BUY A FIREARM.”…

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Ok, you clearly aren’t listening. Our point is, just because someone doesn’t have a record, doesn’t mean they won’t commit crime. What will happen is noobs will just join (noobs with no record at the time), get a cheap gun from Path’s, and go to town. Basically it allows mass murder for cheap.

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God please no.

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You gotta earn money. plus any noob could make an alt and do it

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A pistol is like 450 dollars dude. The Tec-9 is only like 800-900. Any beta or alpha player could easily manage that. People can also give each other money?

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Donating money is broke

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