FS Gangs/Mafia groups

I thought I’d bring up a topic, Fs criminal organizations. The problem with having a criminal organization is, it’s a waste of money and time. We all know how it works once criminal group becomes popular like hydra, Dep of private works , Fs Mafia, and so on. Once we are deemed a threat and are well organized, we gain a lot of haters, mostly cringe LEOS saying things like ‘All of those fools in the gang are blacklisted POST kids’ and ‘They are a bunch of cringe dumb kids’, when realistically we just want to bring roleplay to Firestone, And we people with bad records actually want something to do instead of just driving aroiund. That’s not even the biggest issue, once we become big and gain a lot of haters, People (usually LEOS) Make ALTS, Join the group and FRP like mad or exploit, anything to get the group perm banned, use DOPW as an example, we put a lot of work I to the group, and then a random kid joins and exploits and gets the whole group banned. An random guy (yolomememscoper) and others have told me that on their main acc they are actually LEOS, One has even said 'lol if you make another we will just get it banned like the others Which is pure stupidity and destroyes RP, Oh god dont even get me started with the alt Leo discord accounts joining discord to get info (which is FRP). My point is, ever since DOPW died, it let a lot of us no lounger wanting to make crime groups, and I’m no longer making one unless a change happens, it is to many corrupt and frp’ing cops to have a good roleplaying crime group…

It sucks because we buy BC, make a group, recruit and maske roles, and out a lot of work into it for some dork to get it banned. Unless change happens i doubt any more crime groups will come, if one did, it would be gone fast.

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Arborfield will be taking preventative measures to prevent this in our city soon…

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No need, as said above we already got corrupt leos doing the job and doing it well enough to get the whole group perm banned, so no need.

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Yup. Gotta agree with you there bud.


You don’t even define “Gang Violence” and where’s section two? And it doesn’t even say how you’re going to enforce it. Please fix this before even considering to make it go in effect.

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First off, I’ve seen main members of DOPW FRP before but k. I hate to tell you, but your gangs are shit! They’re all a collection of FRP and idiocy. And to note: Hydra lasted a long time before it feel to shit and got banned. Furthermore, do you have any proof that people are using alt accounts to get you banned, or are you just pulling it out of your butt?

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Thats why the bill is On Hold, I only created the card and the document last night because I was tired! Im sure you would be tired around 11:30 PM ish.

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If this is true, then this is pretty pathetic from the LEOs.


When you can’t beat them the RPing way, so then you make an alt and get them banned. Problem solved… the illegal way.


Prof that they did that please.

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Mikukene had a chance and time to exile him and everyone who was exploiting, and everything would be fine, but nope.


I have to agree with his excessive laughter. Gang’s attempt at roleplay is fucking garbage and a pain in the arse to deal with.

But it’s the only form of entertainment in this library of a state and that’s why I accept it, because I know I can justifiably shoot anyone without consequences

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Yes, I actually do have screenshots of one DHS officer saying ’ Yes, and we will just get them banned’, And your point is actually invalid. First off, Gangs in Firestone do not FRP, it’s mostly LEOS that frp or like I said before cops with alts, As said above the user ‘yolomemescoper’ was one of the biggest Hydra FRP’ers and made us look horrible he had mutliple ban request pending. And he himself said on his man hes a LEO, Ask him yourself he will proudly tell you so because he knows No one can find his ALT. And not sure what you mean ‘your gangs are sh*’ Because I’‘ve never owned a group I’ve only joined DOPW and Hydra before and I never FRP, I only do when cops do it. and of course gangs will be ‘idiocy’ as you put it because we want realistic roleplay, what criminal is happy when they are cuffed, you think when we say things like ‘FUDGE YOU STUPID PIG I HATE YOU OMG IMA SHOOT UP YO FAMILY’ We are for real?, Well no or at least I’m not it’s all for rp and it’s funny so what do you expect? and Hydra never ‘fell to sh*’’ as you state, Hydra and DOPW were both banned most likely from LEOS on alts. Heres the sreenshot of the DHS officers: So, what happened was this IO agent took me to the DHS HQ for questioning, and I evaded and he cuffed me outside, and I said ‘Yeah lol I’ll make another group like DOPW and we will rule firestone’ and he replied with https://gyazo.com/f5fb3931ef57a1bd770ea15ae7815931seems like to me he is implying that they are the ones getting them banned, which I am sure of but I lack proof due to me not always taking screen shots because I do not give a fudge.

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Actually you are wrong and you were not in DOPW so don’t act like you know, the guy who exploited was a single guy, and he exploited the day he joined the group. Unlike LEO departments an agencies, we do not do strict rules or enforce anything because we are criminals we break the law, So we don’t know who the fudge is joining and who will exploit…Also what’s so funny about us bringing RP to FS? Without us criminals, FS would be boring for everyone just like we citizens with no job are bored 80% of the time…so go see a Doctor Doktor.

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Image not found.

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Ehhhhhhh, I don’t really see that as proof he’s trying to alt gangs, more of just generally being cocky.

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I am not agaisnt the criminals. And I don’t have to join DOPW to see them Fail Roleplay. And I repeat, Mikukene could exile him IMMEDIATELY right after this, but she didn’t exile him even after a time has passed. She could avoid this. And SHE SAW him exploiting and even escaped using his exploits.

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If gangs were actually organized and good, and did some cool terroristic roleplays that enhanced the fun on both the gang and the law enforcement officers, I’d have no problem with them.

But sadly that isn’t what gangs do. Gangs false-roleplay. Gangs log. Gangs reckless drive. Gangs exploit. Gangs ruin the game.

From what I’ve seen, none of them have done anything cool. I’ve seen like one or two gangs that have actually done some pretty cool and funny things, and have made SCV2 more fun. That “DOPW” gang wasn’t even a gang, it was a group full of as I call them “elite reckless drivers”, because quite frankly, that’s all they do.


True that…maybe I’ll task a risk and try to make an organised crime group.

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