Due to recent events in the Firestone State Patrol, the command is deciding how to tackle the issue within the Command. We ask that you honestly, and anonymously, vote below.
Do you approve of the Firestone State Patrol Administration?(Colonel & Lieutenant Colonels)
No Opinion
Do you approve of the Firestone State Patrol High Command?(Majors & Captains)
No Opinion
Do you approve of the Firestone State Patrol Command Staff?(Lieutenants & Sergeants)
This poll isint helping how insecure your command are. If they aren’t comfortable in their positions and how they lead they can go back to trooper imo.
The entire command is terrible. Sorry to say it but it’s true. Major+ is the worst. There’s not one good Major+ except Blockey. All of the others are incompetent. Not saying they’re not good guys but some just shouldn’t be there.
I think it’s pretty fucking obvious that something’s not right, this half-assed poll won’t do much to prove that. A simple ‘Yes - No - No Opinion’ poll doesn’t do anything. Just get to work instead of doing this.