Firestone Security Department Protection Act (R)


November 26, 2023

Firestone Security Department Protection Act

         Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


(a) Should any part of this act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

(b) This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon completing the processes constitutionally required.


(a) Certain Departments within Firestone are charged with the protection of State Security through critical tasks such as investigations and intelligence operations and therefore are responsible for the maintenece of classified information that could obstruct their operations and otherwise damage state security, therefore these departments should have more leeway when it comes to employment within their respective ranks.


(a) The Firestone Bureau of Investigation “FBI” shall be defined as Firestone Bureau of Investigation - Roblox

(b) The Firestone National Guard “FNG” shall be defined as Firestone National Guard - Roblox

(c) The Fairer Employment Act shall be defined as Fairer Employment Act


(a) Those who hold employment within the department(s) defined within Section 3, subsection a and b shall be considered to serving on an At-Will basis.

(a1) At-Will shall be defined as when an employee may be subject to division transfer, or termination of department employment without cause, specifically the employee does not have to be accused of or proven to have violated department policy or procedures in order to be subject to At-Will action.

(b) Employees facing At-Will action shall be entitled to a hearing in which they will have 24 hours to provide a response to the allegations levied against them. In order for an employee to be subject to At-Will action the Department Head, Deputy Department Head, and the commanding officer of the employee’s division of assignment must unanimously be in favor. In substitute of the commanding officer of the employee’s division of assignment, the commanding officer of the department’s designated Internal Affairs Body can count towards the 3-person approval. For the duration of a hearing, the employee in question shall be subject to administrative leave.

(d) In the event an employee is subject to At-Will action in full compliance with this act and its contents, Section 4 subsection a, d, and e of the Fairer Employment Act shall not apply.

(e) Employees shall be protected from At-Will actions conducted with malice or in bad faith.

(f) Employees shall maintain protections granted to them by Section 2 of the Fairer Employment Act and cannot be At-Willed or denied employment on the basis of refusal to surrender these protections through oral or written contract.


DeltaTrigger, Senator

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