Firestone Politics Podcast
Introduction: I know that I am not as formal as GetEnveloped when it comes to this thing, but hello there! I’m SeanCityNavy, the Mayor of the District of Prominence & President Pro Tempore of the Firestone Senate and I am introducing such a cancer Idea that it may just work! The Firestone Politics Podcast! Hosted by myself & Former Senator TimothyConyers.
Details: Firestone Politics Podcast would be hosted every week and every week we would try to bring in special guests. This Podcast would be hosted over at the SeanCityNavy Gaming Official Twitch Channel.
We will talk about, our opinions on hot botton topics, bills that have entered the Senate & House Dockets as well as just Politics in General.
Now I understand that Politics are boring to people who don’t understand them, and trust me i’ve been there, but trust me, this podcast will be fun.
Me and Timothy will try and make this a enjoyable thing to do as well as to listen to, kinda like InfoWars. The Podcast will be announced on the Firestone Main Discord #Streams Channel.
Thank you for listening.
President Pro Tempore of the Firestone
Mayor of the District of Prominence