Firestone Park Service Maritime Authority Act


AUGUST 31st, 2024


to Empower FPS on Water

PREAMBLE: Fixes to empower the Park Service on water, and allow them to enter DOC waters temporarily when actively pursuing a suspect in the water.


a. This Bill may be cited as “A Bill to Empower FPS on Water” or the “Firestone Park Service Maritime Authority Act”


a. This act shall immediately take effect after it has gone through the constitutionally required processes.


a. The ‘Firestone Park Service Act of 2024’ shall be defined as: The Firestone Park Service Act of 2024

b. The Firestone Criminal Code shall be defined as: Trello

c. The ‘Firestone Park Service’ shall be defined as: Firestone Park Service - Roblox


a. Section 3, Subsection G of the Firestone Park Service Act currently states:

The Firestone Park Service shall have jurisdiction to operate within all bodies of water within the State of Firestone unless otherwise restricted by law.

b. Section 3, Subsection G of the Firestone Park Service Act of 2024 shall be amended to state:

The Firestone Park Service shall have jurisdiction to operate within all bodies of water within the State of Firestone, except as otherwise restricted by law. Additionally, the Firestone Park Service is authorized to enter any restricted body of water within the State of Firestone temporarily and without restriction if they are actively pursuing a suspect, whether by boat, vessel, swimming, or any other means of travel on or through water, that enters such restricted waters.


a. Chapter 7, Section 1, subsection (a1) of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states:

(a1) Reckless Boating shall be the act of, through clear and extreme disregard for others safety, operating a watercraft in a way that creates an undue hazard to another. This includes, but is not limited to; maneuvering the watercraft unsafely or hazardously in a crowded area, maneuvering a watercraft unsafely and hazardous within the area marked in pink here, driving a watercraft onto or against a shore-line with people at an unsafe distance to the watercraft, operating a watercraft while it’s smoking and/or on fire, and operating the watercraft unreasonably close and dangerous to another watercraft.

a1. Chapter 7, Section 1, subsection (a1) of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended to state:

(a1) Reckless Boating shall be the act of, through clear and extreme disregard for others safety, operating a watercraft in a way that creates an undue hazard to another. This includes, but is not limited to; maneuvering the watercraft unsafely or hazardously in a crowded area, maneuvering a watercraft unsafely and hazardous within the area marked in red here, driving a watercraft onto or against a shore-line with people at an unsafe distance to the watercraft, operating a watercraft while it’s smoking and/or on fire, and operating the watercraft unreasonably close and dangerous to another watercraft.

b. Chapter 7, Section 1, subsection (a2) of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states:

(a2) The Firestone Coast Guard, Stapleton County Fire Department Search and Rescue, and Firestone Department of Corrections Marine Division shall be exempt from Chapter 7, Section 1 if their warning lights are turned on.

b1. Chapter 7, Section 1, subsection (a2) of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended to state:

(a2) The Firestone Coast Guard, Stapleton County Fire Department Search and Rescue, Firestone Park Service, and Firestone Department of Corrections Marine Division shall be exempt from Chapter 7, Section 1 if their emergency lights are activated.

c. Chapter 7, Section 1, subsection (a3) of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states:

(a3) An operator of a Watercraft shall be exempt from Chapter 7, Section 1 if a part of an approved event by the Department of Boating and Waterways administration and the Department of Boating and Waterways has made strenuous efforts to organize such event in advance and has taken precautions to ensure a safe and blocked off area from the public in which the event shall only be permitted to be within.

c1. Chapter 7, Section 1, subsection (a3) of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended to state:

(a3) An operator of a Watercraft shall be exempt from Chapter 7, Section 1 if a part of an approved event by the Firestone Park Service administration and the Firestone Park Service has made strenuous efforts to organize such event in advance and has taken precautions to ensure a safe and blocked off area from the public in which the event shall only be permitted to be within.

Chief Sponsor:

Speaker of the House b_aconxv


FPS Deputy Director dovntime
FPS Chief Ranger mistik12133
FPS Ranger SyrianTaxiDriver
Speaker pro tempore devyfly
Representative StealthSniper292
Senator VG278Q
Senator Airboeing747
Former Senator elanjs


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