Firestone Law School

Hello Citizens of Firestone!
I’m here to give another visualization of the Firestone Law School as we approach the near entry to the beginning of the Law School.

The Establishment of the Law School has the sole purpose to pursue the expansion of general or further knowledge of law. Many may decide to attend as law enforcement officers who wish to learn more about what they are doing when they are enforcing the law when either defending themselves in court, or maybe even pursuing charges against individuals who they have enforced the law against. Others are individual Citizens who have the perception of learning more about law whether it would be from the very beginning or more that they don’t know already.

Question: “This is a lego game, why do we need a fake law school?”
A: Well, this may be a ‘lego’ game, but it’s one where we all participate in. There are ideas of law included from not only realistic ideals but ideals of our State that have been previously established from us humans in the actual world. Taking this opportunity gives you the chance to not only expand your knowledge of the unknown, but also as a law enforcement officer in a game who is enforcing the law if so.

Question: “What classes do you offer?”
A: The classes the law school currently offers is the following:

  • Basic Law
  • Basic Law Enforcement
  • Judicial Law
  • General Law
  • General Law Enforcement

Each class has its own unique presentation and knowledge one can get. Do note that the General courses are offered to those who have completed the Basic course, firstly.

Question: “How do we gain a degree?”
A: You can gain a degree by completing two courses from that degree.

Most of everything is explained by the Superintendent himself.

Many may seem confused at this time, so I’d like to reassure everyone by saying that there will be a Q&A at the Campus on Sunday @2:30 PM EST.
Everyone will have the chance to seek out answers to questions they may have. It is recommended you attend if you would like to ask a question or want to see the questions people have.

I also would like to mention that Registration for classes are still available. You can apply for registration here:

Note, it takes up to 15 minutes for it to be posted on the Trello where your application status may be viewed.
Application Status Trello:

Thank you.
If you have any questions, you can direct them to me and i’ll do my best to answer it. Surpri_se#9839
Looking forward to these exciting moments.

-Signed, Surpri_se.
Head Professor of Firestone Law School


If you pass the law classes does it mean you’re BAR cert?

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But, I personally highly encourage you take these courses if you believe you need the help with the Bar Certification.

Obviously, we don’t review the bar certification exam and go over answers. But, the curriculum I believe would assist you to get that certification.

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Currently it is if you get the Masters of Law Degree you get BAR certified.


This idea is a fucking waste of time, honest to god. I hold a BAR Certification currently, however since the introduction OF THIS PRIVATE, PRIVATE I SAY AGAIN, company, I have to do their course to NOT GET FIRED FROM A PUBLIC FUCKING JOB. This isn’t what happens ever in real life may I just say. The NSW Police Force don’t fire officers because they didn’t do a PRIVATE course, they fire officers for Incompetence.

If an officer doesn’t understand the law or the laws they must enforce, they should be POST Cert Revoked and Terminated.

And again, this doesn’t even give you a BAR Cert, it gives you info, that you can get from basic Legal Studies textbooks.

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holy shit you need to take a chill pill

its completely normal for public institutions to require private training

finding resources is time consuming for normal people who just want to understand the concept of Firestone law

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Unless america truly is some upside down world, not one single Public institution in Australia requires private training. By Public Institution I’m talking State or Federal jobs.

Its also not that hard to understand Firestone Law. If you want to become a lawyer in FS you really need to have a background bit of knowledge, same goes for becoming a Fire Fighter or Paramedic. Background knowledge is key to understanding, and if you fail at finding free resources online, then I don’t see how you really could understand FS law.

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ok yeah lets just get rid of schools and expect students to learn on their own ok thx

If you want to succeed in life, doing the basic shit at any school, is not enough.

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you are my queen

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You sir, honestly need to calm down.

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