Firestone Game Moderator Guide

Firestone Game Moderator Guide

Last Updated January 31, 2022

Table of Contents

Section 1: Purpose
Section 2: Game Moderator Expectations
Section 3: Commands
Section 4: Ban Severities
Section 5: Abuse Policy
Section 6: Chain of Command

Section 1: Purpose

The purpose of the Game Moderators are to ensure that individuals are not harming gameplay within Stapleton County by adhering to The Official Gameplay Guide. The guide consists of acts forbidden by users when participating within Stapleton County and enforced by the respective game moderators. Game Moderators are only to begin moderating when receiving specific reports, such as an individual actively violating the guide or an individual actively disrupting gameplay through exploits.

Section 2: Game Moderator Expectations

Game Moderators have guidelines they must follow while holding this title within the State of Firestone. Not following the guidelines may result in removal from the position and up to a community ban, if necessary.

  1. Game Moderators must respect every community member within the State of Firestone, regardless of reputation.
  2. Game Moderators are unable to moderate individuals on stolen asset bans. They must consult a Senior Game Moderator or above.
  3. Game Moderators may not moderate for incidents they are actively involved in or otherwise may be biased. They must call for another Game Moderator.
  4. Game Moderators may not use their commands for personal gain in v2, even for friends. Doing so will result in an immediate community ban.
  5. Game Moderators must provide proof for every ban issued unless given permission from an Administrator.
  6. For every appeal submitted, Game Moderators must vote on the appeal before the deadline. Failure to do so may result in removal from the team.
  7. Kick and ban reasons must be appropriate and to the point.
  8. All reports sent in the reports channel must be uploaded onto Trello periodically. If a Game Moderator is not contributing to the reports, they may be removed from the team.

Section 3: Commands

Game Moderators are equipped with custom administrative abilities that are recorded. When a command is executed, the individual executing the command is expected to provide a valid reasoning within the log. Each command is given appropriately to the scope of work and limited to an extent.

The following list contains all the valid commands and it’s appropriate usage:

Command Usage
Kick [Player] This command is to be used to eject players from the server that are causing disruption within gameplay.
Ban [Player] This command is to be used to permanently eject players from a specific server that are causing continuous disruption after being warned. Depending on severity, a ban may be posted on trello.
View [Player] This individual may be watched by moderators that have been reported by other players to be causing a disruption. An individual may not be watched if not reported upon.
Unview After viewing an individual, a moderator has the ability to unview.
Track A moderator has the ability to track all players within the server. This command should only be used when a player is causing disruption and is unable to be identified. This command should not be used to keep surveillance.
Untrack A moderator has the ability to untrack after tracking.

Should a moderator execute a command unnecessarily, they may see to their dismissal as a game moderator.

Section 4: Ban Severities

All bans posted on Trello must have an expiration date. The length of bans may be determined by the following:

Ban Type Length of Ban
Exploiting Indefinite
Logging 1 week per log
Trouble Causing Between 3-15 days. 15+ days require Senior Moderator+ approval
Fail Roleplay Server kick or ban. Temporary bans on repetitive actions, up to 14 days. 15+ days require Senior Moderator+ approval
Roblox Terms of Service Violation Server kick or ban. Temporary bans on repetitive actions, up to 14 days. 15+ days require Senior Moderator+ approval
Glitching Server kick or ban. Temporary bans on repetitive actions, up to 14 days. 15+ days require Senior Moderator+ approval
Stolen Assets Indefinite. Can only be moderated by Senior Moderators+.

Section 5: Abuse Policy

Game Moderators hold one of the most powerful duties within Stapleton County. Misuse of the given privileges will result in an immediate removal from the moderation team and a ban from the State of Firestone, depending on severity. A Moderator may be removed for inactivity if necessary.

Warnings are not provided and will result in an instantaneous removal if deemed necessary.

Section 6: Chain of Command

  1. Administrators
    These members head the Game Moderation team and select/dismiss members at their own will.

    • FedoraMasterB98
    • pathwaysbball
  2. Head Moderator
    The Head Moderator oversees the operations of the Game Moderation Team. This includes managing team members, giving out disciplinary action, and upkeeping high standards within the moderation team.

    • Cuxle
  3. Moderators
    Members that are apart of the Game Moderation Team, equipped with appropriate equipment to deal with game disruptions.