Firestone Game Day #2

Firestone Game Day #2

brought to you by: The Hunger Games Simulator
idea by @OfficerVideoGame


Firestone Game Day, hosted by @GetEnveloped, is an idea where players join a system to compete against each other based off of randomness. The player who wins will receive a prize, which is different everytime.

Today’s Game

The Hunger Games. All events are random.


An avatar flair and a title symbolizing you as the victor of the Firestone Game Day, which lasts until the next game session. Additional prizes may be added on, but for the sake of this first one, there will not be any additionals.

To Enter:

Only 24 players may enter. Use the poll to enter. Poll closes at 24 votes. If it exceeds 24, random people will not be included. Upon entering, you agree that any action performed by the simulator is for roleplay purposes and can not be used against you. Additionally, you agree to let the gamemaster to use the character as he or she wills, so long the gamemaster does not intent for his or her own benefit or the character’s harm.

Game Timeline Update:

A forum will be posted here that will post the events occurred after every certain time. It can only be posted by the Game Master. This game will correlate to real life time. One day is equivalent to one day IRL (PST time) and one night is equivalent to one night IRL (PST time). This may last a week.

Discussion Platform

this thread will be the discussion platform.

  • I want in
  • don’t select this option

0 voters

The Game: n/a

Winner: n/a

Last Game’s Winner: @anon53012218

May the odds ever be in your favor.


hi its your favorite family friendly retard here uh…


‘dont select this option’
selects option

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last time i started hurricane Katrina


hurricane shy sounds cooler

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So, Do I select the “Don’t Select this option” or no?

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It doesn’t

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naw lol

2 Likes more memes here ok

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Hi sur

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@SeanCityNavy& @shysun District 10 Represent!


God damnm it im late

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I didnt make it e.e

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I’m gonna win ok

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District 10 Represent

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well sheet I’m not even in here because I was too late :frowning:

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