Firestone Aviation Administration Job Posting | Aviation Safety Bureau Investigator

Firestone Aviation Administration
Aviation Safety Bureau
Prominence, FS

Job Listing

Position: Investigator, Aviation Safety Bureau

About us: The Firestone Aviation Administration oversees all rotorcraft operations within the State of Firestone, including management of all infrastructure. The Aviation Safety Bureau ensures all pilots are following the FAA Regulations to ensure a safe aerospace for everyone.

Job Description: Investigate all reports made to ASB to check their validity and identify violations of FAAR, generate detailed case reports, and identify the appropriate outcome.


  • Valid citizenship;
  • No arrests on record;
  • No more than 3 (three) citations on record;
  • Valid RPL;
  • Not blacklisted from FAA;
  • Good community standing.

Additional Requirements:

  • Previous investigative, internal affairs, or applicable experience (preferred);
  • Understanding of Google Docs and Trello (required).

Investigators are held to a timeframe in which they must complete cases so candidates should be active, committed, and able to meet deadlines.

This position is secondary.

Apply within the V2 Application Hub
Applications will close once we have filled our vacancies, so apply whilst you have chance!

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