Firestone Activity Levels

lol i still don’t understand the argument about base-rank leos such as fsp trooper / scso deputies having access to an automatic gun, literally every big ro-state such as Mayflower and ridgeway give base-rank officers automatic rifles to fight off other criminals with automatic rifles.


and since v3 is nowhere near, go ahead and focus all development efforts on v2 and fix the current issues and actually listen to the community when it comes to suggestions.


New Sirens for SCSO and FBI or something, cause those 2 and FSP have had that since 2022 when the other ones were removed.


Start releasing v3 leaks and start actually making big progress towards v3 so the community can once again be excited for v3. It’s been pushed back since like 2018, and that’s basically all we’ve been waiting for. There was so much progress in 2022 and all of a sudden it died. You can only add so much to v2 before we get bored of it again.


Yea, the transparency when it has come to v3 has come to an all time low.

Whats the status of it?

Is almost done for release?

Is there a playable beta or something?


Support. We need transparency

i support. i look around v3 and i see all the new mechanics involving LEO and civilian and it makes me want to play v3. atp if v3 doesnt come out i might take a chance with ridgeway or one of the mayflower remakes

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I support this, however Ridgeway has been killed by Clark County

Overall, I agree with what others have said:

  • Reduce rain and fog… it’s way too often and causes an increase in lag.
  • More support for Law Enforcement Officers such as:
    • Better balance in pursuits (motorcycle unit/certification and/or faster cars for department command/supervisors)
    • More encouragement to join departments, specifically FPS, such as the addition of more cars for the department (most departments have 5+ and I’m pretty sure there’s already a FPS taurus/other cars) or a specialized unit/division (similar to ESU, ASU, SWAT, K9s, etcetera)
    • Readd the Department of Homeland and Security :smiley:
  • More civilian jobs and/or criminal activities (ways to earn money):
    • Encouragement to do maritime crimes such as illegal transportation of items, illegal fishing, etcetera and/or in the state park itself such as illegal hunting
    • Cheaper boats and/or more encouragement to purchase boats to promote better maritime activity
    • General civilian jobs such as hunting, lumber jacking, etcetera
  • Fix the gun system (can’t speak for other guns but the FPS shotgun doesn’t register shooting half the time)

It doesn’t take a brand new version to promote more activity; little updates or even moderately sized updates on a consistent basis for different areas of the community (criminals, LEOs, public employees, etcetera) can help promote more activity in the game. While most developers should be focusing on V3, it only takes a few people to do some smaller updates that were suggested.


yea, but honestly, everytime you ask a founder the status on v3, they DONT respond



here’s my essay:

to begin, firestone is already a long-standing member of a niche group of games on the roblox platform in general, and trying to bring players into this community is difficult

this same difficulty applies to every other state group: ridgeway, bc, and bc clone

player numbers will never be sky high, there will always be a small number of players, and this is just a reality that we as a community must face

despite that, those aforementioned state games still outperform county now on a regular basis

why is that the case? because what differentiates us from the other games is the fact that this game is almost half my fucking age

i’ve been driving the same cars, shooting the same guns, and walking the same map for the past 6 years: it is time to innovate

this trend is obvious: the older firestone’s systems grew, the deader this community became.

Back in 2018? there were two near full servers every night

Currently? We rarely hit the cap

it is time to push v3 through


Now, as your prompt specifies, something needs to be done currently

What can be done? Fix what is currently broken about the game:

busted cars that spin out randomly; guns with shitty scripts; crimes being repetitive, not punishing enough, and not rewarding enough

all of these things need to be rethought if you want firestone to be competitive and replayable in the current day

bringing development into v2 is a good thing, but at times your execution is incredibly poor

see impounding: the player government was thrown for a loop and you changed the system a few weeks later

the exact same thing can be said for parks: everyone was caught blindsided by your decision

while bringing development is good, the community needs to be brought into the loop

for your addition of municipal departments of v2: that was a good thing

you involved the playerbase by asking if that is what they wanted to see, and you delivered

however when you force the playerbase’s hand on something that absolutely no one wants (for example, municipal and county court), the game isnt enjoyable for the community that your decision affects


from a legal person’s perspective, you need to stop straddling the player government

you need to let them come up with the solutions to the problems our game faces

we the playerbase play your game more than you do: we are subjected to different situations which you are not bound to (see: DPS, employment, or the courts)

and while i appreciate you are trying to keep the game headed in a good direction, you’re simultaneously killing the actual fun that writing laws and being a politician gives

every time someone wants to bring a new law into question? “fed will say no” (see demanding compensatory damages that you veto’d)

you need to let the player government evolve.

you need to give the player government something to do.

there is nothing to legislate anymore, every possible function of this game has been mentioned and legislated in some shape or form

this is why approximately 6 rewrites of each law have been passed and signed over the past few years: you have given the player government nothing to debate or change


For a non-leo legal person, roleplays were a really fun thing to do

rebuilding e16? amazingly entertaining to watch and do

rw gas catching on fire? everyone was amazed and captivated in county

re water tower collpasing? wasnt there but everyone said it was fun

you need to continue bringing these roleplay events into the game: it gives the portion of the playerbase with least to do (dpw and dot) a major role in order to facilitate legitimate and meaningful change to the map or to the game in general


this was a lot of yap, and i know you probsbly wont read it because you don’t like me very much

but nonetheless, that is my take. that is what you can do to make this game more entertaining for current players, and more interesting for prospective ones

also a few notes: i am not a criminal, i have never been a criminal. Im not familiar with what they want which is why i refrained from commenting on it.



dont be delulu guys. i wont say it.

Outside of the development;

I also dislike some of the “systems” in Firestone. The whole process is so slow imo. My DPS case took place on July 19th (55 since then) and the investigation just started and since the investigator and I have a personal life it’s going to be dragged out even longer.

Something that could’ve been settled in 30 mins or less has been dragged out for nearly 2 months now. All for what? Because we want to be realistic?

These stuff discourages some players from even playing the game

Some court cases take 6-7 MONTHS!

P.S I have nothing against DPS I know I been talking about them a lot it’s just really annoying waiting for a result.

(My grandma died and was buried while waiting, true story)


i like this i support :smiley:

idk if this has been said, i havent read this thread

stop policing the community as hard as you do nobody likes it, the community for a large part should be able to police itself. We have already have a very intricate government and courts system.

Every time i check gen announcements for a tag made by you, it’s always complaining about something the community did. Abuse of tools, unapproved duty wear, I don’t understand why you are complaining about these things.
Same with gameplay rules, a lot of the rules could be removed if tools and such worked the way they’re intended to.

as for increasing activity, steal ideas from other games. look at clark and wonder what they did right and do that. they’ve got a good cargo/smuggling system.

stuff like this VVV

alternatively, keep saying all of the suggestions can be added into v3 instead, see it flop and let the group die.
your management of the group will be the death of it unless you listen to the community.


dis game gonna become a clark county copycat

I agree with the recent posts above, especially the ones that involve transparency over V3 development and new civilian job ideas. Mostly no one cares about how you revamp some LEO uniforms, how you design some cars making them less blocky etc for V3. Asking devs about V3 is usually met with the response of “ask the founders”. WE NEED solid development updates that make us eager to wait for V3’s launch (currently almost everyone knows it won’t happen it the next year, we’ve lost our hopes…). There’s a lot of ideas listed by other people above me that could attract people into FS such as new jobs, cars, guns etc. There is a lot to be done, and I am sure it will be done, but hopefully soon…


promote and encourage actual criminal organisations instead of driving them away


I really think the most important thing is the new player experience. I tried joining county on an alt pretending I knew nothing about the game:

  • you end up on the hub, and are given a choice between 11 games. this is pointless for a brand new player, just send them to v2
  • loading takes forever - V2 is big, but does it need to take this long?
  • the first popup tells me to join the group (I have no idea what this game even is)
  • the second popup is the “tutorial”
  • it tells me (1) I can only buy a car in redwood [false + what is the city of redwood?], and (2) I have to click the door handle to enter a car [false]
  • it says what the UI in the bottom right is and that I can sprint with shift
  • and that’s IT! that’s EVERYTHING new players are told about Firestone.

no wonder there are 50 CVs always crashing into people, that is literally all new players are told how to do. there’s a massive “HELP” button at the top which I desperately pressed only to find out it just replays the same tutorial…

all of the features added over all of V2’s long history is completely invisible to new players. as a new player, figuring out how to fish (which is one of the few features shown in the thumbnails) is basically an impossible task. the only guidance new players have is the map via TAB (who they’re not even told about) and even that is hopeless. how do I get a gun? the “gun” markers on the map to paths are deceptive at best. honestly I think it’s a bit of a miracle that FS has as many active players as it does


pls make car radios mutable

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