Greetings fellow citizens of the State of Firestone!
I am asking for your vote and endorsement to be re-elected into the House of Representatives.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate the new Governor Nin and his Lieutenant Governor Hec on their electoral victory, in what was an incredibly close election.
During my term as Speaker of the House, I have presided over an active and transparent chamber in which great bills of reform have been formed and passed. With this, I would like to extend my thanks to the Representatives who have helped make this happen with their activity and dedication. I would also like to thank the Senate for their cooperation this term.
I held onto my promise of constitutional reform and with the help of some fantastic legislators, executives, and judicial figures, we managed to pass a new Article I. It is easier to read, better formatted, and promotes a sense of political renewal within Firestone with increased electoral competitiveness.
In the next term, I will continue to work with these individuals and gradually update the rest of the Constitution and alongside this, reform the House of Representatives Standing Rules as the current one leaves a lot to be desired.
I am also making it clear I shall be rerunning for Speaker of the House and with this, I urge all people running or rerunning into the House of Representatives to be active and dedicated public servants.
My direct messages will also be open for anyone with ideas, concerns, or anything in general.
Speaker of the House FIoatmanjason