FFA Applicant Information Document

Firestone Fire Academy Applicant Information Document

This document will teach you everything you need to know about the Firestone Fire Academy, from acceptance to graduation. Each session will be outlined as well. The complete content of each session is not listed and content may not be in order.

This document is intended for those who do not hold a valid FFA /SCFA/FSFA certification.


  1. You are to first send a request to the Firestone Fire Academy group. Once being accepted and ranked “Pending Enrollment” you may continue to the next step.

  2. Join the State of Firestone Discord and the Firestone Fire Academy Discord and await for an announcement to be made. The applications will be posted on the FFA group shout, SCFD discord(s), FFA Discord, and the State of Firestone discord. After completing the application, check your ROBLOX and Discord messages daily until you receive one from Director CaptainCrosslay. You will not start sessions until ranked ‘Applicant’

  3. After that you’ll take many Tier’s as follows.

Tier 1 [Introduction]

This session will cover the basic tools of the job. You will learn the rules & regulations of the department, how to operate the radio, uniform policy, all the department tools, and pepper spray certification. Both positions will always be open at the time you are in the academy.

You may only move onto Tier 2 after passing Tier 1. You must attend 100% of the session to progress. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Tier 2 [EMT-B]

This session will cover common medical terminology, what to do when arriving on a scene, ABC’s, airway management, oxygen management, CPR, Basic Hemorrhage Control, splinting bones, spinal immobilization, burns, and more. It is required for everyone that takes and passes FFA to be at minimal EMT-B certified.

You may only move onto Tier 3 after passing Tier 2. You must attend 100% of the session to progress. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Tier 3 [FF I]

If you wish to become a firefighter, you will attend this session. For simplicity, once you do this session, you will be unable to do paramedic sessions until you complete your Firefighter exam and pass. This lesson you will be taught more information on your PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), your SCBA, the MAYDAY callout, deploying supply and attack lines, and motor vehicle accident operations.

You may only move onto Tier 4 after passing Tier 3. You must attend 100% of the session to progress. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Tier 4 [FF II]

In this session, you will be taught Forcible Entry, Fire Control, Primary Search and Secondary Search, Overhaul & Post-fire control actions, MAYDAY Protocols and briefly on High Rise / Standpipe Operations.

You may only move onto the exam after passing Tier 4. You must attend 100% of the session to progress. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.

Tier 3 [EMS I]

If you wish to become a paramedic, you will attend this tier. For simplicity, once you do this tier, you will be unable to do firefighter tiers until you complete your Paramedic exam and pass. This lesson you will be taught how to identify different lung sounds, lifepak usage, Common Medical Conditions, Blood Sugar and Diabetes, Pupillary Responses and much more.

You may only move onto Tier 4 after passing Tier 3. You must attend 100% of the session to progress. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.

Tier 4 [EMS II]

In this session you will be taught how to start and maintain IV’s, Arrhythmias, ALS airway management, LUCAS device, ACLS Tachyarrhythmia Protocol and Synchronized Cardioversion and much more.

You may only move onto the exam after passing Tier 4. You must attend 100% of the session to progress. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.

Final Examinations

  1. Once you passed your exam, you will have to attend the graduation. During the graduation you are going to have to say the oath to get certified. If you cannot attend graduation you will have to send the oath AFTER graduation to Director CaptainCrosslay-

Here is the oath in question:

I, (state your name), do solemnly confirm,
that I will prevent the loss of life and property within the State of Firestone,
to the best of my ability and courage,
to serve any and all with respect and dignity,
to serve the citizens of Firestone with compassion, courage and integrity,
so help me God/on my honor.

SCFD Direct Entry

The Firestone Fire Academy offers the ability to opt for Direct SCFD Entry. What does this mean? By selecting this pathway you opt to join SCFD directly after completing FFA. If you select to opt-out of the Direct Entry program, you may apply to SCFD later down the line. You’re still allowed to apply to FFA regularly without applying/joining to SCFD.


Q: I haven’t been ranked yet, what do I do?
A: You are not supposed to contact JTO/TO/CTOs if you have not been ranked/roled or for any matter regarding tiers. The policy before reaching out is 72 hours. Also, tag the @Moderator role, and NOT the staff members when requesting a role.

Q: Can I go straight for dual in one class?
A: No, you cannot. You will have to do it in 2 separate classes. That means: FF/EMT-B Cert in 1 class and then EMT-P in the class after, or the other way around, of course.

Q: When do SCFD applications open?
A: Usually some time after graduation, do NOT ask ANY of the staff when they will open, we do not know when.

Q: When is the next session?
A: Do NOT ask for sessions, the staff will host tiers when they have time. We can’t always host when you are available since the staff has lives too.

Q: Can I have a private session?
A: Once again, no. We do not give private tiers for single persons. You’re going to have to try to attend a session yourself. We give them on case by case basis, or when the Director allows it.

Q: Am I EMT-B Certified once I pass Session 2?
A: No, you are not. You simply passed the session. If you want to become EMT-B Certified, you got to take the EMT-B exam. However, if you aim for the FF or EMT-P Certification you are NOT supposed to take the EMT-B exam, as EMT-B is included in the both FF and EMT-P exam.

Q: I/My friend can’t find the enrollment application, where is it?
A: Right here: Stapleton County, Firestone - Roblox

Q: I have lost my notes/I couldn’t quite get all notes down! What do I do?!
A: You got classmates. You can go to them and ask for notes, we encourage that you help each other out! HOWEVER: Do this BEFORE taking your exam, as doing it while the exam is considered cheating. Sharing notes with people not in the same session or after graduation will also be considered cheating. Utilize your resources, as there is videos posted for you!

FFA Director

subject to review on 06/23/2022
(inspired by old applicant information document)