Fed and remembrance day

this. this is it. thats why he doesnt give a flying fuck when theyre uploaded to dept stores. because he can withdraw the money. but when someone independently makes them? fed doesnt like it. but its quite disgusting to ban a form of veteran rememberence because you want robux. smdh, fed.


Ill be wearing a poppy for quite a while.


im american

also banning POPPIES and OTHER STUFF like this is DUMB
flashback to when i wore a radio on my mp acu belt



This is absolutely appalling to see. If I were still in a department I’d wear that poppy with pride, nobody gonna tell me to take it off


I’ll happily take that one-week suspension, you will NOT stop me from wearing a poppy.


I would happily take a suspension. A simple paragraph on the #general saying why we cant wear it wont stop me. My grandfather died in WW2 because he was fighting for his country. Once again, you will not stop anyone from wearing a poppy. so anyone who tells me that i cant wear it, can go kiss my ass


this is roblox


exactly, so it isn’t harming anyone to have a png of a 0.05 x 0.05 stud poppy on your roblox shirt.


I wholeheartedly find it disgusting that we aren’t allowed to wear the one universal symbol of remembrance that recognises our serving soldiers, deceased soldiers and veterans - the poppy. Regardless of where we buy it from, be it a group store or another person, the symbol remains the same and Fed has no right to spit on that, and tell us we can’t wear them because it means that he doesn’t get any of the robux from it.

We should have the right to wear a poppy on our uniforms if we so choose to. We should have the right to do our part in remembering those soldiers and veterans who fight for our freedom everyday.

The whole reason it was brought up as an issue by Fed was because he saw me wearing the poppy in Stapleton County V2 and then, to my disbelief, proceeded to berate it in the FS Discord voice channel. His lack of respect for the symbol of remembrance for our soldiers and veterans is apalling, his attitude towards it is disgusting and it’s about time that he stops being so narrow-minded and (sadly) ignorant.

You cannot and will not stop us from wearing a poppy. The symbol means more than a clean history of discipline within a department. #WeWillRememberThem #LestWeForget


What more do you expect of Fed?


This is about more than fed. This is just like if he were to order us to all wear Nazi flags… that would not be right either.

Its about about a “standard” and is about something that rises above Fed’s “paygrade” by a lot.

We have our own grooming standard (dress code) for each department… a tiny poppy arn’t gonna hurt anyone.


I’m pretty detached from this debate as I don’t know really what happened. But the reality is when Walmart sells something the supplier doesn’t ask why they aren’t the one selling it. People are investing in clothes for this community because they’re for this community, one that fed owns. Personally, if someone wants to wear a flower I don’t see the problem I don’t agree with Fed on banning the use of a flower. If department heads wanna stop people on duty from wearing them that’s their prerogative but all in all I usually agree with fed and here I don’t. Let people wear what they want, if it’s on duty let the RP chain of command deny and allow things. @FederalLaw I’m missing a lot of this debate and I’m trying to understand your position but honestly this time in particular just seems kind of petty the poppy isn’t something just used in Europe or across the seas.


You’re conflating forcing you to wear something and not allowing you to do something they’re not the same, and whilst I air on the side of letting the poppy be worn it’s intellectually dishonest to conflate the two.


just wear it whenever in county. fed doesnt want you wearing it when in uniform. big sad.


Today I unfortunately learned that one of your staff in the Sheriff’s Office gave a warning to a member of that office for wearing a small poppy.

I am beyond upset at this. I will consider running for the County Council this next cycle and I demand that something be done about this outrageous incident.

I understand that it may be the department’s perogagitive and I respect that but outright banning it sends the wrong message and alienates the people in this community who are affected by what the poppy symbolizes.


I’m confident he didn’t ban the poppy because he wanted robux. If he did he’d allow the poppy and sell it on the group store. Lets not project things that aren’t true because we’re upset about him not allowing the poppy. He SHOULD allow it, he isn’t, and that didn’t change for him to make money. Lets stop playing and focus on the actual change you want to make not starting problems that don’t exist. If the departments were smart they’d learn what it meant to unionize but in my time it’s only happened once or twice if that. Change doesn’t come because you insult someone, imply things, and verbally berate them. But change can come if you take different avenues of attacking a problem. Which i encourage my friends in departments to try to figure out.


department heads uploading the poppy t-shirt in the group store.



he does this. to every. single. thing. we try to do. RANK TABS that weren’t in the group store? (same tab, btw, just a different background color to better blend with the uniforms), NOPE CANT WEAR EM TAKE EM THE FUCK OFF. was not just the poppy.


He has tried to block several uniforms and additions to those uniforms… something that he shouldn’t be involved in. I am looking at a way to make productive change but it doesn’t help matters when he won’t sit down with us and talk with us in a constructive manner.

We do unionize in certain groups… unofficially… that is an interesting way of looking at the issue at hand.


I’m not surprised about him wanting there to be official uniforms and outfits sponsored by the group. Becoming a certain rank, etc doesn’t mystically give you power beyond RP which is what you’re asking for in regards to these uniforms. I’ve already stated I don’t agree with him on the poppy, but having uniforms for departments said by administration isn’t surprising at all. IF department heads want to update uniforms they should reach out to the founders and get it cleared not do w/e they want. I agree with you lot on the poppy, not on the uniforms sorry.