FDOT Ride Along Division

So a few weeks ago, we removed our ride along division as it wasn’t active. However, there a some individuals who still want to ride along with an employee to see what’s its like to be an employee. I like the idea, but I don’t think we should bring back the division. Let me know what you think in the poll below.

  • Have certain employees be certified to do ride alongs
  • Recreate the division
  • Have no ride alongs

0 voters

If you have a different suggestion, comment or questions feel free to reply to this post or DM me via discord @Slinkodo#1613

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make me the head ride along guy and you’ll see great improvments @Slinkising

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Make it where there is RAO trainings maybe 1-2 a month and if you pass you take a test. If you pass that test you become a RAO.

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So a certification rather than a division?

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Just so you know, we’ve had the division for about 6 months and removed it. Ride along’s aren’t just something for LEOs.

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Do it like scfd does. No division, just requests. Anyone can take a ride along.

Do they have certified people who give the ride alongs? Also how do they set them up?

Basically anyone can request a ride along with anyone. They request it by copying text and pasting it in a HR dm.

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