I think that FBI should have a team in v2. They should get unmarked cars and radios and stuff that LEOs get. If FBI does not have a team, how are they supposed to carry out operations in v2? They would need weapons, handcuffs, guns, and vehicles.
Two letters, N O
I agree with you as you don’t see federal agents just chilling around irl it would be unlegit
As Undeveloped said N O
I’m not saying that they patrol, they have their own base/hideout area and they carry out gang operations etc.
why would FBI need a team,
they are an investigations division
unless theres a FBI: Patrol Division N to the O
fbi doesnt need a team it needs a director
if fbi was like the real fbi rather than investigating go’s and only go’s then yes
but since for whatever reason that’s how fbi is on here, no.
As an actual fucking FBI agent, We don’t need a team, We do need some items to continue an investigation in V2, but we don’t need a team nor do we need badges. You bring this up to start trouble when you aren’t in FBI to make it seem like we asked for you to do this. Don’t do it, you don’t know our interior workings and will most likely never know them.
A team to give us a simple sidearm and access to cars would be nice, and in v2 we will be stay at our offices in the DoJ building.
@WingedDeath99 Accsess to cars yet you stay at your building???
Okay, if your just gonna be in a building there is no need… Whats the difference between being on civ team and entering a building, rather then being on a team and entering a building?
Can someone please close this post, its stupid, the creator isn’t even in FBI
If they have a team they can get free weapons, along with other various tools to conduct operations. However, considering that the FBI is mainly focused towards corruption and criminality in the government, I don’t exactly see why they need a team in the county.
Gang operations are carried out by DHS: IO, who already has the DHS HQ in Prominence.
how about no??
well a small team would be eh
Not needed.
FBI are only investigating Government Officials, so they don’t need anything you stated, the answer is simple, N O
You have to understand people dont know what the FBI does since half the stuff we do is classified. We do need guns and a radio. A car would be helpful but isn’t really needed. Everyone keeps saying “FBI only investigates GO’s” WRONG that is a false statement. Half the stuff we do in the first place is in v2. No one understands that.
Since you guys don’t need a team, what tools do you all need?