Expose him

This is Techiey The Speaker Of The House.
Look Who He Says
As you can see pwn was in this too but he clearly did nothing (Unless he did but I know pwn is cool so…)
Techiey has spoken about me and Baron_Natertot8425 calling us “Idiots” and relating us to the Paul brothers and also is calling us “immature”
This image proof has all the info you need.

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What the absolute hell…

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Senator of Stapleton County

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lmfao meme

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Allow me a chance to defend myself. These comments were made in a private DM on discord, and are my true opinions. You have not seen these comments from me before because they are my personal opinions that I do not share often. I do apologize if anyone is offended by this, as I had no intention of this being released. Let me also add that this is not the first time that Lt. Governor @pwnzorsausage has leaked our private DM’s together, so I will not be conversing with him on such private and revealing manners anymore. Again, I truly apologize if anyone has been offended by my comments, and let it be known that these are my opinions, which the House does not share to my knowledge.

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yeah ok

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If you value the Guard over Congress, why not resign? What good is it being the Speaker of the House but would rather something else? I have no problem with the Guard. However, if you want it, go get it. If you have to resign to do so, just do it.

In addition, you trashed others who aren’t members of your chamber. It would be rude of you to talk about someone else’s “family,” for lack of better words.


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I have already provided context to this question during the debate on this resolution. Again, the image above is of my personal opinions, as I am sure that you have your own opinions as well. I did in no way mean for this to get leaked, but there is not much I can do about that now. My devotion to this state is unwavering, which I serve in multiple ways, some I prefer over others. If anyone has taken to offense to my comments, I deeply apologize.

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Your personal opinions will affect how you operate in Congress. Look at Trump, perfect example.


I understand this, but I try not to share them for this exact reason. I had no intention of sharing what I said in the image above, but I cannot control what other people decide to do. I thought that in my conversation with the Lieutenant Governor that he would not leak what we discussed, but sadly we have learned the contrary.

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I’m sure everyone is just as happy to see that information released. No one wants someone with different views in the office. I mean, it’s not going to benefit them.


Apparently, it’s hard for you to serve LOYALLY. I’m not questioning your loyalty to the Guard but to Congress.

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My opinions on topics do not change in a public or private setting. My opinions on other people, as seen above, I do not share in the chamber or anywhere else in public for that matter. Let me assure you that when I need to share my opinion, it is the only one I have and not one that is meant to appease the people or Congress.

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I did not openly “leak” this image to the public.

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I am extremely offended by your statement. I have been serving our guard for several months now, going to war and getting injured in combat for it. The fact that you have the audacity to question my loyalty to the guard or this state is extremely offensive after all that I have done for it. I serve humbly and with an equal hand. Any question of the contrary I find extremely rude.


When you share your opinions to the public, it is more than likely that it is an opinion that would appease the general public. However, the opinions that you choose to hide, such as the image posted, also define your character, whether you like it or not.

You are not the person who you show to the public.


Lieutenant Governor, how else could this image have been released? I sure did not share this image or our conversation with anyone, can you say the same?

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“I’m not questioning your loyalty to the Guard but to Congress.”

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With all due respect, that is just not true. What you see in public from me is who I am and what I feel as a person. As I have said already, when I share my opinion it is the only one I have. The image above is not something that I intended on sharing, out of respect for those whose names were listed.

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Senator, I am the Speaker of the House, do you think that I achieved this position without loyalty? I am in the position I am because the public elected me to represent their interests, and my fellow Representatives elected me to preside over them because they believed I was best fit for the job. Any notion saying otherwise is simply not true.

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