Executive Order #25

Office of the Governor OfficerVideoGame:
December 16th, 2017

With the powers vested in me via C.II.III
SEC. 1.

(a) The Cabinet-level position of “Chief of Staff” is hereby established, carrying the duty of serving as an advisor and close aid to the Governor. Acts as a mediator between all state departments and can advise cabinet members on official government policy. Liaison for the executive branch in legislative matters and garners support for government initiatives in Congress. Protects the interests of the Governor, manages the flow of information and keeps minutes of all cabinet meetings and other special meetings as designated by the Governor.

(b) The Governor may opt to keep the position of Chief of Staff vacant if he/she desires.

( c) The Governor may appoint and dismiss the Chief of Staff at will, without the consent of the Senate, as it serves to the pleasure of the Governor; as also authorized per C.II.IX.

(d) The title of Chief of Staff shall serve as a “primary” position as defined by law.

SEC. 2.

(a) Executive Order #14 shall hereby be nullified.

SEC. 3.

(a) This Executive Order shall go into effect immediately.

(b) This Executive Order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the State of Firestone, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Governor of the State of Firestone