Everything DPW Lacks #1

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What does DPW lack? Actually, let me correct that.

What DOESN’T DPW lack?

DPW is a department that, besides the occasional patches and updates, is practically ignored.

Today, FedoraMasterB98 updated V2 so that all departments had their new, V3 logos on them. Did we get our new logo? Did we?!


I am adding this to the list of ‘Everything that DPW Lacks’:

  • Updated logos at DPW HQ

Next on the list:

More/Good Vehicles

As of now, all employees only have access to 1 vehicle for normal shifts: The Sweeper. Sweeping roads over and over and over and over and over and over and over again can be boring. Other departments have multiple vehicles for the same ranks/certifications. Examples include:
DoT gets:

  • Arrow Truck
  • State Maintenance F150
  • Tow Truck
  • Taxi
  • Bus

All of the above listed for DOT are all for public employees+
This means that, upon finishing training, you can use any of these vehicles, whenever you go on duty. What does DPW get for all employees’ use?
1 vehicle.
A sweeper.

Next on the list of things that DPW lacks:

  • Updated Logos at DPW HQ
  • More Vehicles

ThEy ArE oN fUlL tHoRaTeL tO fInIsH v3 So No MoRe V2 UpDaTe


you signed up for DPW, also i think DOT shouldn’t have access to the taxi/bus anymore, and it should be run by 1-2 DOCM businesses so that its more active and well maintained.


i mean i guess u guys deserve like an f150 or som but besides the garbage bin being fixed dpw dont need much

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Fedora added new roads for you to sweep! Woohoo!!?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Introducing: Everything [DEPARTMENT] Lacks

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