Elect palmurst & Sharkfish82 | 2022-2 Gubernatorial Elections


Making Changes, For The Better

To the Citizens of Firestone,

I would like to formally address the citizens, that myself, alongside my running partner Sharkfish82 will be declaring for the Firestone 2022-2 Gubernatorial Elections! The State of Firestone has gone through some rough transitions in the past, and this administration has plans to ensure that we can smooth out some of the ongoing issues within our state. We hope to serve this state with dignity and with the most communication possible to our citizens. You may join our campaign server here.


palmurst, Governor Candidate

palmurst has been in the State of Firestone since early 2018, serving in a lot of different positions around the state, ranging from basic departments, to the cabinet, county government, and even as far as into the states congressional branch. palmurst has a lot of experience in leadership, and has full plans to work alongside the people of Firestone, both pertaining to foreign and domestic affairs. The Gubernatorial Candidate currently holds an Active POST Certification and Firearms License. The Candidate has had a lot of interaction with the state, and plans to allow for a lot more interaction as Governor. palmurst plans to keep his promises, and keep the citizens involved as much as he can during his term to allow for the utmost transparency to the state, and would like to work with the public to ensure that changes made can have a positive influence on both the state, its citizens, but also foreign allies.

Firestone Experience

  • Department of Transportation - Supervisor & Handicap Director / Lead Instructor
  • Peace Officer Standards & Training - Instructor & Public Relations Co-Lead
  • Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office - Corporal
  • Firestone State Patrol - Trooper
  • Department of Public Safety - Deputy Secretary
  • Firestone Police Explorers - Lieutenant
  • Stapleton County - County Clerk
  • Firestone Congress - House of Represenatives x1
  • Department of Public Works - Public Employee
  • Department of Corrections - Senior Correctional Officer & SERT Operative


Sharkfish82, Lieutenant Governor Candidate

Sharkfish82 has been in the State of Firestone since late 2017, serving in multiple positions within the State, ranging from local emergency services, to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and into our states congress. The Lieutenant Governor Candidate has been in the congressional field in our State since he first joined, and has a very good understanding of the ropes of congress, as he has served as high as PPT and SOTH. Sharkfish82 is active, dedicated and a model citizen of not only this state, but many others as well. Sharkfish82 currently holds an active POST Certification and Firearms License. This Candidate has a lot leadership experience in our state and is overall an experienced and knowledgeable person when it comes to congress, leadership, and overall being a reliable person. The Candidate plans to keep the congress working at its utmost needed speed, to ensure that all legislation is brought through the chambers in a timely manner, but also to ensure that the legislators are kept in check, active, and representing the state, and the congressional branch in the best way possible.

Firestone Experience

  • Firestone Government - Governor x1
  • Firestone Government - Lt Governor x2
  • Department of Homeland Security - Secret Service Agent
  • Firestone Congress - Senate x4 (x2 PPT)
  • Firestone Congress - House of Representatives x2 (SOTH x1)
  • Firestone National Guard - Staff Sergeant (CIC x1)


Objective One

Throughout almost every gubernatorial term, the Department of Public Safety has struggled, both with operations and maintaining its public image with competent investigative staff, however under the last term ran by Former Governor DyingSym, the department got into pretty stable shape, and my administration doesn’t plan to interfere with it, unless it becomes a prominent issue to the operations of our state. We plan to continue supporting the Department of Public Safety, and keep checking in to make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible.

Objective Two

As many of us know, the Department of Homeland Security is unfortunately coming to an end, come our Version 3 Release. My Administration plans to give any support or guidance required to the department until the second it is dissolved. The Department is still running very strong, and is picking back up under the supervision of Secretary Mega, and we intend to let him run the department, offering support where needed, as he’s a very competent and experienced individual. No prominent issues have been found with the department under his command, and a big increase in activity has been noted.

Objective Three

The County and City Governments have been going through what seems like a rough time, and my administration intends to continue offering the support needed as currently being offered by the current gubernatorial administration. These 2 governments are crucial to our state, and my administration has no intentions to cease in helping them. We do however plan to meet with higher positions over the city and county governments to discuss a new game plan for activity and overall execution of duties.

Objective Four

My Administration fully intends to keep an active presence in the county. We believe this is crucial to forming strong bonds with not only our citizens and departments, but with our private sector affiliates too.

Objective Five

Following up on the last objective, my administrations plans to continue offering the utmost needed support to our private sector businesses, and the Department of Commerce in general. The Private Sector has been booming, following the active support from our Founders, and we intend to continue supporting businesses and encouraging more of their presence in our role-play, events, and daily routines in Firestone. The Private Sector is a crucial part of our state now, and we have no intentions to make that stop by any means. It will become a main priority to reach out to Commerce, and currently operating businesses to offer any support or guidance to them, to ensure they strive in the State.

Objective Six

With the current experience, and activity displayed from my Lieutenant Governor Candidate, we plan to ensure activity, competency, and exceptional results from our congressional branch.

Objective Seven

With the current standing of myself as the Governor Candidate, I have full intentions to continue supporting the executive branch. I have plans to continue incorporating them in decisions relating to them, and I want to allow for more transparency in how things are operating. I intend to continue Cabinet Reports, but plan to incorporate a less detailed, and declassified version of the report to release to the public to allow for transparency where available, to ensure that department statistics remain where they need to be.

Objective Eight

Following up from Objective Seven, I intend to go through and review each department with my Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Governor and Advisors (without disrupting operations) to get a better understanding on each of the departments operational status, and I plan to pick out any prominent issues to relieve any negative tensions, but also to ensure that each department, the processes and documents, their command and employees are all up to a reasonable standard.

Objective Nine

As a main priority, my administration intends to hold frequent conferences, or to release documents frequently to keep citizens updated how the state is currently looking, and any major changes planned. My biggest priority as governor is going to be transparency, and I want to ensure that I can share as much as possible with everyone, to make sure that we all move together as a state, so that opinions, suggestions, and different points of views can be seen, and recognized before changes occur.

Objective Ten

I will be holding my administration to a reasonable standard, and we want to ensure that communication with the public remains. We intend to communicate with our citizens, and want to engage in conversations to strengthen the relationship and trust bonds that we need to succeed as a competent and trusted administration in the state. We want to hear what you have to say, and do not want anyone to be afraid to shoot us a dm, or talk to us in game about suggestions they may have. As part of our mission statement, we want to make changes for the better, and want the public say in the changes we intend to make.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Candidates in our Elections Server, or in Direct Messages. The Server may be found at the top of this post. We want to serve our citizens, and do not plan to back-out last minute. We are here to stay, and to make Firestone great once again.


Governor Candidate

Lieutenant Governor Candidate


we have clothing!!!

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If you both switched it would be better as sharkfish is clearly more experienced.


shark served 2 terms at governor

1 Like

Nvm he did 1 Lol U guys should switch


I’m really looking forward to seeing how your experience as a police explorer in FS will help!!!










on average, how long does it take for you to eat a pizza :pizza: ?


asking the important questions


this man ate my son
so i support


How large is the slice?


no support

gov candidate has limited experience

and ltg candidate has barely met standard as a PPT






Why does everyone write their governor campaign in the 3rd person

Anyways, support ig?