Hi, my name is Kind_Yada. Some of you guys might know me some may not. Currently I serve in the House of Representatives. For so long Municipal Governments have been taken as a joke. I hope to change that.
Why should you elect me? You should elect me due to my experience and plans. You can see my resume here https://trello.com/b/wmx5VRS0/resume. Some plans of mine are listening to the people and hosting bi-weekly community events to hear what the people want. I also plan on ensuring communication with the county government is met. I also wish to work with small and big businesses in the district. I also plan to work with law enforcement agency’s in the state to ensure the safety in the district. I also plan on working with my fellow council members to draft and propose bills that will support you the people.
If you have any questions please comment or dm me at Kind_Yada#0760.