Hello Firestone.
Okay so, pretty basic suggestion for DPW.
Apparently there is already side loaders in V2, but just never implemented.
It would be a great addition to DPW and V2 in my opinion.
Hello Firestone.
Okay so, pretty basic suggestion for DPW.
Apparently there is already side loaders in V2, but just never implemented.
It would be a great addition to DPW and V2 in my opinion.
yes but it’ll be no use since we dont have any bins, or they could do an update but v2 doesnt deserve anymore updates
v3 only
I’ve been told that they are already made, and were ages ago for v2, but the dev team never got around to implementation of it, which is why I’ve made the thread.
*bins also were made apparently
only v3
fergie doesnt dev here anymore lmao
Going to house to house just picking up trash is pretty boring, and I doubt any DPW member would want to do it. It is a good idea but nobody would volunteer to just picking up trash house to house.
more fun than driving a sweeper aimlessly until you get whiplash from rammers
it’s better then driving around at gear 10 for 30 mins
gear 10?!?! cmon we arent all going rogue here!
mb meant gear 1
gear 2 actually
sometimes even gear 3 if we are feeling extra cool (or on the highway)
new rogue truck
shut up
I would enjoy this, I see a lot in the comments of people not enjoying it and being boring. I myself would be happy and dedicated to go to door to door and building to building to collect trash and keep the state clean. It’s better than going rogue I do believe. All though this can only be achieved in V3.
Finally a side loader will be helpful!
Devs don’t implement it because devs aren’t contracted to work on v2 - we work on v3. Only people with access to v2 are the three founders.
It will never be added either way. Fed declined once it was finished.