Do you agree with Warden Wolfcreator's choice to hire TACTlCALHAWK as Assistant Warden?

If it is help he wishes to offer then by all means let’s see how this turns out before having a massive trauma attack on him.

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one word OOF

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He could’ve earned the rank like everyone else did and stop departement hopping as Sub Cabinet all the time, we work hard for a job and he get what he want

#FreeRanking #WeDon’tWantThisInFirestone

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That’s 3
1.) one
2.) word
3.) oof

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Throughout my time in SCSO, I have learned several things in a department.

If you hire from the outside, it causes a disturbance. Just like now, people are angry about the situation or simply caught off guard. This causes corruption from the inside out. Not saying the TACTICALHAWK is corrupt, I am saying that bringing in outside hires for a management position may result in a few things.

Firstly, it may cause major policy or department changes. Whether good or bad, changes aren’t good if they are fast. Fast changes catches people off guard and requires extensive feedback from individuals being affected.

It is MUCH BETTER to promote WITHIN the department. Doing so causes a sort of apprentice effect. HICOMM members of DOC have been training and learning and experiencing things within DOC, taking in the policies and feeling for the ropes of DOC, enabling them to expand in a larger position. Promoting within the department causes slow changes, if any, and allows little to no disturbance at all. Again, promotions are natural, but hiring management positions are sudden.

tl;dr: Promote from the inside so people know what they’re doing and don’t cause major changes and cause little disturbance. Hiring from the outside brings a disturbance and may cause major changes and a new work environment.


Lieutenant Mxtt_Bear

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I encourage you look at my newer, well written and expanded topic regarding my observations:

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wolf should have have chosen someone who has been in the department for a while, knows what they are doing, and works hard for promotions (not saying that tact doesn’t work hard)

yea sure he was once a correctional officer but as straphos said, there is a difference between standing at a gate and running a department

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so your profile is unrealistic? wow

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Alright, listen. Warden Woldcreator’s choice to hire TACTICALHAWK as Assistant Warden was done for a reason. Warden Wolf knew that Hawk would benefit the Firestone Department of Corrections, and he also knew what benefit he would be to the department. I personally know Hawk from Firestone Bureau of Investigation where he held a High Command Position of Associate Director. When Hawk was here he left a positive impact on our employees, department, and how we operate in the Firestone Bureau of Investigation. I support the Wardens decision 100%, and I wish Assistant Warden Tactical a great future in Department of Corrections.

I support,
AveryMDPsyD, Special Agent in Charge
Firestone Bureau of Investigation

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Okay, I have a legit question.

So, when I became Firestone National Guard Brigadier General, I was free ranked to the position, under advisement to the new Major General, Mr. Voidaq, who is a great man, from the going out Major General Evildustin, but yet no one seemed to give so much of a shit like you do with Tact.

So why all of a sudden this?

Why all of a sudden people are outraged that DOC got someone who was from the outside?

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No I don’t like what Wolf just did. This is his THIRD TIME doing this! He only does this because he thinks that his Captains are unqualified to be Assistant Chief in DOC. He did it to me 2 times and I would of been C2 but he promoted Parker over me when parker was a Correctional Officer LATTERLY! Then he promoted Droow that he JUST got accepted into FDOC since he left DHS. And I’m like, we the heck do we have this 13 year old as our warden that doesn’t give people that is in next of line a freaking chance. If they screw up, let them learn from their mistakes. I believe someone should make a petition to remove Wolf from Cabinet since he isn’t qualified to be Warden I bet.

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I’m sorry, but knowledge, determination, patients, and not my fault I’m a better assistant warden the you would’ve been, heck I stepped down for you and you declined, idk what I did to you but they way you acted in fdoc would’ve gotten you no promotion. Just putting it out there.

Also Don’t vandalise our Application, thanks.


I just copy the words from Superintendent Dragon2290


I will be releasing a full press release on the matter, very shortly. And, I have said this ever since he took the oath, that if he fucks up, he’s immediately gone. You can call this coming week his “probation period”.

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Executive Order #27 -

I wonder why this was made? :thinking:


He did it to me TWICE! That is how corrupt the warden is



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tbf droow is a good egg and he should never be bullied, hawk is a good guy too :smiley:

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