FEBUARY 19, 2024
Chief Sponsor(s): County Executive b_aconxv
Co-Sponsor(s): District Attorney Cosmicanimals1234, Prominence Mayor MonkeyLikesCaprisun, Prominence Deputy Mayor legalizenucle4rbom8s, Redwood Mayor XxSoruceLawXx
Author(s): County Executive b_aconxv
PREAMBLE: Whereas, this act mandates that all County and Municipal entities to provide full access of channels to the District Attorney when requested, to ensure that the muncipalities, their departments, and county departments not violating any laws during the execution of their duties.
By virtue of the County Charter of Stapleton County the Council hereby establishes that,
a. This Bill may be cited as “District Attorney Empowerment Act of 2024”
a. Upon passage of this act, this Bill shall go into effect as an Ordinance of the Stapleton County Council upon the completion of the legally required processes.
a. ‘City of Redwood’ shall be defined by Article III, Section IV, Subsection B of the
Stapleton County Charter.
b. ‘District of Prominence’ shall be defined by Article III, Section III, Subsection B of the
Stapleton County Charter.
c. ‘City of Arborfield’ shall be defined by Article III, Section V, Subsection B of the
Stapleton County Charter.
e. Municipalities shall be defined as the City of Redwood, District of Prominence, and City of Arborfield.
f. An ‘entity’ shall be defined as any department established by law in a specific municipality, or the county.
g. A ‘Mayor’ shall be defined by Article III, Section I, Subsection C of the Stapleton County Charter.
a. The Mayor(s) of the City of Redwood, City of Arborfield, and the District of Prominence shall be responsible for providing the District Attorney complete and full access of their municipality’s Discord communications server at the request of the District Attorney, to allow the District Attorney to see all channels.
b. The head of any County or Municipal entity shall be responsible for providing the District Attorney complete and full access of their municipalities Discord communications server at the request of the District Attorney, to allow the District Attorney to view all channels and forms of communication.
c. The District Attorney shall ensure that the departments and governments under Stapleton County are lawfully executing the duties of their office, and shall take the appropriate actions if they are found against doing so.
d. The County Executive shall be responsible for providing the District Attorney with the necessary permissions to receive access to the SCSO:SWAT communications if requested.