DigitalOcean Reboot Notice

No you see digital ocean is a cloud infrastructure provider , We use them to buy a what we call a VPS (Virtual Private Server). We fully own the domain and the server that is hosting the domain but the people that are running the server are fixing some big problems ^-^


so basically u own a website host but, u then host off of another hoster to get us internet. basically how vpn’s work

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its not really about how VPNs work but let me explain it easily for you.

We basically pay people to give us access to their PC

we then use that access to the PC and host the forums from it

and then we assign the website domain to that PC

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okay, i got it now. im thinking of going IT or 3D modeling in college so im asking questions

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what is the tl;dr of this confusing ass forum

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DigitalOcean will be performing their maintenance on the week of January 29, as mentioned. So the forums will go down at that time too sir.

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5 letters


alright thank u

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find a old pc and run it on that

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i can see a slow ass website with that, i’d use a old pc to mine bitcoins

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo :frowning:

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