DHS Complaint

Ping a mod or ask for it

@Aviationus can you delete

gg this needs a lock i agree

It was so unnecessary.

being a fps sergeant, i dont like giving warnings, you either leave or deal with the consequences :man_shrugging:

This about SS, not about FPS.

but are we not on the topic of liotering at feds? oh okay

I get it, whatever.

The DHS officer gave fifty dollars less than the minimum required so there’s an error in the citation. Minimum is two-hundred.

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@Virginian_State http://prntscr.com/jlc79j The citation was $150 if I’m correct, this says 100-200 so it should be correct.

If I was a cop, I would give people a %50 off special, on holidays.

Section 2H.1: Loitering at the FedoraMasterB98’s residence shall result in a citation that shall range from a minimum of no less than (200) two-hundred to a maximum of no more than (400) four-hundred dollars of a citation. An individual may receive jail time that shall range from a minimum of no less than (100) one-hundred seconds to a maximum of no more than (200) two-hundred seconds in jail should an individual refuse to vacate the premises when loitering and asked to leave.

(You mistaken the jail time for the citation amount)

Then you would be a bad cop

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@Rulishh you nub, before you go on forums read the bills, and don’t complain here, complain the court case forum

So, derailing to hell. It was also requested locked by the OP.