Department Savior Act (DSA)

PREAMBLE: To allow the Executive Branch ease in its operations regarding employees and give authority to where it is needed. Furthermore, it shall remove the cumbersome employment rights that make departments and businesses fear any actions taken towards employees.


SECTION I: “An Act to Reform The General Employment Rights” and any subsequent amendments to said legislation shall hereby be declared nullified in their entirety.

SECTION IA: “An Act to Reform The General Employment Rights” shall be defined as: An Act to Reform the General Employment Rights

SECTION II: It shall be the Executive Branch and those who lead it required responsibility to create just and equal policies and actions in terms of hiring, active employment situations, punishment and removal of employees and that these policies and actions do not discriminate against any individual in terms of sexuality, religion, gender, ethnicity and race as well as any opinion (private or public) about any executive branch policy, action or leadership and that policies and actions done by these persons are not grossly discriminatory or unjust.

SECTION IIA: Those who believe that the Executive Branch and those who lead it have violated the stipulations as stated in Section II, they shall have the right to pursue civil action to determine if said stipulations have indeed been violated. If it is determined said stipulations have been violated, then the aforementioned shall be overturned.

SECTION III: Should any section, phrase, word, or letter of this act be declared unconstitutional, the rest shall remain in effect.

SECTION IV: The Executive Branch and those who lead it shall enact policies within 24 hours of this act becoming law. After those policies have been enacted, “An Act to Reform The General Employment Rights” and any subsequent amendments to said legislation shall hereby be declared nullified in their entirety immediately after the time limit passes.

SECTION V: This shall go into effect immediately upon passing the required constitutional process.

Chief Sponsor:

The Right and Honorable Senator, Sharkfish82


The Right and Honorable Senator, Cenosity

The Right and Honorable District Court Justice, HxppyTeddyy

The Right and Honorable Representative, scriblelz

The Right and Honorable Senator, Pand_aaa

The Right and Honorable Senator, AddieRxse

The Right and Honorable Speaker Pro Tempore, OliverSteph

The Right and Honorable Representative, Guest_smh

The Right and Honorable Representative, Brentvx

The Right and Honorable Senator, Innovativemind

The Right and Honorable Senator, CannonOblivion

The Right and Honorable Representative, JakeGames25

The Right and Honorable Secretary, colorful_parrots

The Right and Honorable Deputy Director, Elite_Creations

The Right and Honorable Deputy Secretary, AplayerStolMyALT

The Right and Honorable Fire Chief, Mrzip

The Right and Honorable Assistant Warden, CertifiedLaw

The Right and Honorable Deputy Chief, SwagGermanFighter

The Right and Honorable Colonel, Code_Law

The Right and Honorable Associate Director, Ftlicious

The Right and Honorable Deputy Director, Mattxtro

The Right and Honorable Director, Bjohn323

The Right and Honorable Secretary, CrusinThomas

The Right and Honorable Citizen, Ash1835


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