Department of Commerce
April 3rd, 2022
Hi everyone, the Department of Commerce is asking for YOUR input regarding the current general business policies that all businesses under the Department of Commerce must follow. Whether you’re an employee, a business owner, or just a normal citizen, we still ask for your input to help make the Department of Commerce achieve excellence within the state.
Before you start this poll, please review the business policies located here: Commerce Business Policies
Confidential Comments & Concerns
If you have any other additional comments that can be addressed publicly, please post them below. If you have a question or a concern regarding a certain individual or business, please fill out this form so we can address this concern privately
The Poll
Do you like the Commerce Business Policies overall?
- Yes, I believe the Commerce Business Policies overall are good and shouldn’t be changed
- No, I think there are some severe issues that need to be changed with the Commerce Business Policies
- Minor Issues, I believe overall the Commerce Business Policies are good but there are a few things that should change
0 voters
Do you specifically like the Universal Business Policies?
- Yes, I believe the Universal Business Policies overall are good and shouldn’t be changed
- No, I think there are some severe issues that need to be changed with the Universal Business Policies
- Minor Issues, I believe overall the Universal Business Policies are good but there are a few things that should change
0 voters
What are your thoughts on the Business Types currently defined by the Department of Commerce?
- No Issues, I think the business types that the Department of Commerce currently have encompass varies types of businesses and shouldn’t be changed
- A few adjustments needed, I believe that there needs to be a few more types added
0 voters
Should we revert the Rideshare/Transportation Policy?
- Yes, make it where as long as the employee who is driving doesn’t have a record of murder and/or kidnapping then they are allowed to drive
- No, keep the currently policy which states that, “The owner, their representatives, business employees or any externally contracted person(s) who transports a second party may not hold any criminal arrest records from within the past thirty days of the license submission.”
0 voters
What are your thoughts on the Business Firearms Policy?
- Fair, I believe the policy is fair and shouldn’t be changed
- Too Lenient, I believe there needs to be more requirements for businesses (such as requiring employees to take safety classes) that have firearms besides simply just requiring employees to have a CFL
0 voters
What are your thoughts on the Business Employee Protections Policy?
- Good, I believe the regulations set forth are fair and shouldn’t be changed
- Neutral, I do not care about the regulations and I do not care if these regulations became more strict or relaxed
- Too relaxed, I believe these regulations are too relaxed and more should be included to protect employees
- Too restrictive, I believe these regulations are too restrictive and are a burden to business owners
0 voters
Do you believe the application and renewal process is straight forward? (This isn’t asking if you enjoy the process, this is asking if you understand the steps required to obtain or maintain a permit)
- Yes, I believe the processes are straight forward
- No, I believe the processes are confusing and could be more straight forward
0 voters
What are the most important to you when it comes to an inspection? (Select all that apply)
- Quickness, the shorter the time waiting for a permit the better
- Thoroughness, the more details collected to ensure a safe business for the public the better
- Service, being provided great service by your inspector (or by the department of commerce in general) to ensure the permit process moves smoothly
- Informative, having an active system to see exactly where you are in the process
0 voters
Conclusion / Thank You!
Thank you so much for completing this poll. As an administration, we intend on asking for more public input in the future to ensure we’re providing the best service as possible. Please comment below if you have any comments or suggestions you’d like to make to the business policies. Again, specific concerns regarding a business and / or commerce employee should be made here: