Department/Business Resources needed for Commerce Business

As many people, mostly department members, know about me and my business, but I am currently working on a website for my business that will supply departments and department units or divisions with information, including vehicle fleets, tools, and other important links to the department. Currently, I have mostly everything besides the tools, and I’m trying to get a list of tools for each department. Most of my business employees have just told me to contact Fedora and ask for a list, but speaking generally, I can find some public departments tools, like DOT or DPW, through their handbooks, and I don’t want to ask him for that as he runs a group with 154k-ish members. If there are any department members who can comment on this and tell me directly what tools, placeables, firearms, and any other tools you have on your team, that’d be great. I’d also like if businesses who have in-game vehicles or tools could also maybe directly message me via the commerce server with a list of vehicles and tools; that’d be amazing.

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Is this so the public can know what departments use/have?

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Our business is basically about providing information to the public relating to businesses, departments, and the government. We provide advisory for scenes and photos of emergency services and business, which people can submit to me and I’ll post, and we are currently working on making a website to expand our information to the public.

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You’re best bet is probably to contact the Public Relations team for each department and see if they could provide you a list. Same for businesses. Not sure if there’s another or better way to do it


I mean, most of the businesses I’m gathering information on are the ones with in-game tools or vehicles, but I’m mostly friends with all the businesses I’m gathering information on, but thanks for the response and the idea, I will probably do that.

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