Greetings Firestone, I am Delta, I served one term within the Senate if anyone remembers that, I currently serve as an FBI agent and a National Guard Lieutenant Colonel, I’m running for the house because:
Kyle won’t let me run against him in the Senate
I believe that there are some things that need to be pushed in regard to legislation
POST Certification
Certifications within the State are important due to the fact that they are required to participate in the State’s prime fields such as Law Enforcement, Medicine, and Law. If you hold a medical certification, it is subject to the jurisdiction, review, and action of the Supervisory Medical Board, no singular individual alone can make the decision alone to rip you of your medical certification. If you hold a bar(attorney) certification, it is subject to the jurisdiction, review, and action of the Board of Legal Examiners and Ethics, no singular individual can make the decision alone to rip you of your bar certification.
What these boards have in common is that they are both established and regulated under state law, and that prior to action on their certification(s), subjects are granted a hearing in which they are able to argue their defense, present evidence, and call witnesses, all this is done prior to the board’s action which must be voted on by the entire board. What am I getting at?
If you are a Law Enforcement Officer, your certification is subject to the mercy of the Peace Officer Standards and Training High Command, meaning the only time you’re guaranteed to hear from them is when they send a notice in your DMs, stating your certification has been revoked and your department must now terminate/AL you. This can be done by a singular individual without a heads-up.
I intend to propose legislation that will secure officer’s POST certifications similarly to how bar and medical certifications are, while also not unnecessarily restricting the department’s ability to uphold their academic and professional standards. Certification holder’s will be granted the statutory right to be informed of their allegations and be subject to a hearing where they may provide a defense, evidence, and witnesses PRIOR to action being taken.
I believe that Law Enforcement Officers are a crucial part in the daily gameplay of Stapleton County, and as such they are entitled to similar protections provided to our lawyers, firefighters, and medical providers, and that it is nowhere close to feasible that every single Law Enforcement Officer within the State of Firestone from Deputies, Troopers, Officers and Special Agents, from Coastguardsmen and Military Police Officers, be subject to the mercy and judgement of one singular individual.
Criminal Code
Stapleton County V2 is above all else, a virtual game where people come to roleplay as either officers, criminals, or other occupancies- basically it’s a simple game, and the Criminal Code should reflect that.
Currently crimes such as Acessory, conspiracy and attempting to commit a crime are variable charges. Meaning you must calculate the class of crime, and the time of the charge that they are aiding in, as to either charge them ½ or ⅓, or even ¾ of the time for that crime. It’s not as simple as instantly putting in 200, or 300, or even 700 seconds then going about your patrol.
I don’t know about you but as a Law Enforcement Officer, I did not come here with the aspiration to utilize my calculator when patrolling as a virtual police officer, and I believe criminals can agree with me here where as they would not like to have to wait on the side of the road while an officer spends 5-10 minutes calculating their jail time, only for the criminal to have to spend another 5-10 minutes actually serving their time in prison.
I intend to propose legislation that would either simply this process or just add a fixed time just like the rest of the Criminal Code. Because I believe criminals would rather be jailed quickly so they can either wait their time out watching YouTube or eating dinner, or instantly bail out of jail and jump right back into the action.
I do actually listen and observe what people are concerned about, weather they’re writing a novel about it in a discord chat, or they are directly speaking to me about it, this is how I got my ideas about certifications and other subjects. I am an open-door person so if anyone would like to express an issue or concern or a comment, I will listen, and it will aid me in proposing more changes during my term to better benefit the State to run more efficiency for criminals, officers, or other occupancies, because all the occupancies give each other a purpose- criminals give cops a purpose and vice versa, and everyone in the state gives medical, lawyers, and businesses a purpose, and so forth.
Thank you for reading (if you actually, I am so sorry that its a novel but there was so much to say) and I hope you’ll allow me to apart of the changes that some would view as vital, thanks again.