Death, Despair, and The State of Firestone

101% Disagree, it’s what happens when you have a map that’s the same old thing and the only new update is sewers and roundabouts.

I agree with @Fairfull that it is the direct result of the leaderships lack of caring within the state, if you attempt to voice your concerns to fed or anyone else that has a say in things you get shut down, it’s feds way or nobodies way. (Prime example is the car liveries, the community had over 200+ reactions for a livery and fed didn’t like it and went against the community on his personal judgement)

Activity in the county has been on a sharp decline recently, with Fed even admitting it in most recent election speech, saying that turnout was at an all time low. Departments have been on a decline recently in performance aswell.

The only time this community will get active is when fed adds a new roundabout, or when something stupid happens like last night.

If Fedora truly cares about his community, it needs to be monetized more to allow new players to come in, it is proven by science, that if you keep doing the same thing repeatedly it gets boring. Running ads would keep a new constant flow of players and community members into this community. If activity increases, so will the current activity of users involved currently within our community.

Should Fedora run ads?
From a developer standpoint, yes

Will Fedora run ads to increase activity and gain new members in his community?

The decline is not due to school, every other ROBLOX game isn’t on a “due to school” incline, regardless of your beliefs and opinions. This is the direct result of a toxic, drama filled community, with shitty ownership.

Firestone V3 will not improve activity, and firestone as we knew it will never be seen again.