Death, Despair, and The State of Firestone

a 2.5 for free college…? jesus fucking christ i wish lol.

Mines looking to be more like a 3.5 to get and keep…

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2.5 is incredibly generous like insanely generous

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You have to remember it’s community college.

CC: @Ash1835

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not in the british empire :sunglasses:


Notice even just the response to this post is a hell of a lot different then had it been three, even two years ago.

I have been completely disconnected from FS the past few months. This situation that happened recently was brought to my attention because I knew a lot of the people directly involved.

The difference between then and now is that nobody cares. When something like this happened in the past, there was a huge response and outcry from everyone. There was debates and people bitching at each other about who was right, who was wrong. But absolutely none of that has happened with this situation. People don’t give a shit.

This state didn’t move with the times, and it’s founders are paying for it. Its a combination of lazy developers, and most importantly, shit leadership. This state would be in so much better of a place had someone else been given the helm. You cannot expect to keep a community going when you cannot develop something new and fresh to bring them. V2 is eight years old for christ’s sake. A child who was born when V2 was completed is in grade school now. I warned you all this would happen but nobody listened.

Like shit! Eight players on a Friday night. That was UNHEARD of.

I disagree with @Co55ie . This is not as a result of school. This is a community that spat on and ran out the door it’s core leaders and most competent members, and is now being hung to dry because nobody capable to run the state is here anymore. It’s all very weird middle aged men with literal families and impressionable young, toxic children.


101% Disagree, it’s what happens when you have a map that’s the same old thing and the only new update is sewers and roundabouts.

I agree with @Fairfull that it is the direct result of the leaderships lack of caring within the state, if you attempt to voice your concerns to fed or anyone else that has a say in things you get shut down, it’s feds way or nobodies way. (Prime example is the car liveries, the community had over 200+ reactions for a livery and fed didn’t like it and went against the community on his personal judgement)

Activity in the county has been on a sharp decline recently, with Fed even admitting it in most recent election speech, saying that turnout was at an all time low. Departments have been on a decline recently in performance aswell.

The only time this community will get active is when fed adds a new roundabout, or when something stupid happens like last night.

If Fedora truly cares about his community, it needs to be monetized more to allow new players to come in, it is proven by science, that if you keep doing the same thing repeatedly it gets boring. Running ads would keep a new constant flow of players and community members into this community. If activity increases, so will the current activity of users involved currently within our community.

Should Fedora run ads?
From a developer standpoint, yes

Will Fedora run ads to increase activity and gain new members in his community?

The decline is not due to school, every other ROBLOX game isn’t on a “due to school” incline, regardless of your beliefs and opinions. This is the direct result of a toxic, drama filled community, with shitty ownership.

Firestone V3 will not improve activity, and firestone as we knew it will never be seen again.


You know one thing I hate and fear about firestone? The amount of creeps that hide inside the circle. It’s hard for people to make an argument these days without getting doxxed.


i just came here in 2020 idk whats happening wtf

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Yeah, this is really unsettling considering the age range that plays the game.

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ahh that makes sense.

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firestone alive

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the dude that died in your place of work is more alive than fs

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The sun never sets in the British Empire.


technically right… there’s like 11 US aircraft carriers floating around the globe so like doesn’t the sun also not set on the american flag?

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ya’ll forget about the japanese

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As someone who started playing over 3 years ago, I think the game is just not engaging anymore. There always used to be random protests or gangs that started up and would cause chaos across the state. I think with so many of the changes made to the game it discouraged a lot of the fun/activity.

Bank robberies are fun, but they require so many people and tools to actually pull it off that it’s just not worth it most of the time. When batons, car handles, and vehicle fires were added, trying to escape a scene was made almost impossible. Also, paws spawning in like 5 different places now instead of the shack makes getting guns such a hassle. And getting a decently fast car is so expensive now that cop cars are faster.

Maybe for long time experienced criminals, it isn’t that bad. But for newcomers, it just isn’t worth getting involved with it. A lot of the chaos and gangs was viewed as annoying/toxic resulting in all of these changes. But it really was the chaos/fun that brought me into this game along with the activity.


poo poo ca ca game poo poo ca ca founder


To add on to what @Fairfull said, we never really accept new people in the community who have a small passion to join the state. When someone new joins they join the discord and ask for a question like “How to be a cop?”. Sure, its maybe funny to see them ask but most of the time we just troll with them. We usally tell them “Dm cuxle” or something that kills their passion. Even if they find out how to join a department its still complicated.

Why is it so much more complicated to join any department these days? We require people to put so much effort into becoming a tow man… in there heads they go “Oh, why would I put this much effort into becoming a tow man when I can buy a game pass in different game and do a similar or more interesting job.” Even just to join POST, the amount of dedication required to join worthless these days.
I myself am in FNG, and being straight up honest everything you learn in the academy is useless. This isn’t a personal attack to anyone in FNG or TRADOC but why should an individual be yelled at by a instructor so much just to stand AFK at the front gate? FNG is basically DoC but can get called out. Infact, I think DoC guarding DoC is more fun than FNG guarding FNG but more complicated to get into. I’m still in FNG because it has it entertainment occasionally (ig?).

We always talked about “QuAliTy oVeR qUaNtiTy” but at this point there is no quantity for the quality.

P.S we always make these kind of threads when Firestone is down in player but it just die down.


Quality over quanity - Wendys

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I’m old enough to be eligible for a Firestone AARP Membership