Well you guys already get a pay increase in v2
Anyways support support support
Well you guys already get a pay increase in v2
Anyways support support support
Hell yeah!
My full support lies with this campaign.
No support, not a good Lt Gov choice (in my personal opinion) primarily because of your beliefs about the 72 hour jail time.
I appreciate your input. I believe my running mate is in favor of the 24 hour reduction, however. As the Attorney General, it is my responsibility to seek justice for victimized citizens, and in my capacity as Attorney General, I stand by my opinion.
On behalf of myself and Lieutenant Governor Candidate Sharkfish82, we both candidates good luck in the upcoming election.
violate a single law? prepare to ben immediately and fully assraped by this administration, who will not understand that this is a roblox game and the roblox laws aren’t THAT serious. enjoy 72 (or more!) hours for evading arrest ONCE.
the law is all they care about. not diplomacy. not you. not anything else. the law.
holy shit this is the worst candidates i’ve ever seen
this isnt a refutation of ovg’s argument here, moreso just a tangent of things to note that are at the very least slightly relevant to it
so, just gonna note here that, although jef has been vocally supportive of 72 hour prison terms, danny has not given any opinion on the matter to my knowledge (and if jefrafra is correct, danny actually supports the 24 hour reduced time).
also, policetonyr (the ltgov in the mremote campaign) has also been vocally supportive of 72 hour prison terms. neither canine nor sharkfish has made any public comments regarding it to my knowledge, so i cant speak for their campaign.
sidenote, congress is against 72 hours. the house unanimously failed policetonyr’s attempt to raise the maximum back up (to 48 hours if i recall correctly). i doubt a ltgov supporting it would change that, but hey
again not an argument against ovg’s point at all, just a couple notes. do with them as you wish
Support! Danny has been in Firestone for as long as I can remember, and he’s the most knowledgeable about law and government in the entire group.
Yes, I wake up every morning and go to my 20ft high statue of lady justice, getting on my prayer mat, and paying respects for an hour.
OVG, lad, I was under the impression you want the heads of the executive branch, the branch that enforces the law, to be well versed in law. But what do I know?
Also, I fervently support the reduction of the max sentence to 24 hours, our new felon recovery bill, and other progressive criminal justice programs. In fact criminal justice reform is a main plan under my campaign speech, of which I’m sure you haven’t read. You seem to think me enforcing the law is unethical…?
I love how you came back from the dead to push the line of a personal attack against me because of my previous employment. You did so poorly, too.
Also, thank you @Skye_Jones
County Executive
My only question I will ask about this campaign at this time is a simple one, does Jefrafra have congressional experience? (Unless I’m a blind bat and didn’t see it in the introduction part)
We’ve had a lot of disagreements as of late, but I wish you the best of luck. Your plans are great and I would be perfectly happy with both of you in office.
Jefrafra has never served in Congress, though I assure you he is more competent than a good portion of our current legislative branch. Being the state’s head lawyer exposes you to hundreds of pieces of legislation, allowing you to see format and technique. His legal experience also allows him to make more comprehensive pieces of legislation. As for presiding, as a former Lt. Governor myself, I found it to be like a more lax court setting. Jef has been a judge, and I feel he can handle it fine.
Great question! Danny pretty much covered this one. While I have never pursued the opportunity to be a member of the legislature of this state, I have worked directly with them on numerous occasions and I work with the legislation they pass daily. While, of course, there is a learning curve to every new career, being a District Court Justice and the Attorney General has laid the foundation for my ability to preside over a room of people, and additionally, maintain a tranquil but firm administration.